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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

A Life On The Ocean Wave...

According the others, Nick usually wakes up in a pretty foul mood, but today, he's as happy as a lark. He's at his parents home in Florida and a great day beckons... First things first - breakfast. That will consist of Frosted Flakes and a couple of slices of toast. One slice will be covered with strawberry jam, the other with peanut butter. Next, down to some serious techno gaming. Nick is addicted to video games - he's proud owner of a Nintendo and a Play Station. He reckons it helps him to relax, to switch off and enter another dimension. He enjoys sports, adventure and role playing games. When he returns to planet Earth Nick will take his brother and sister out for a quick game of soccer. Then he'll pick up a bag of Twix's and a six pack of Cokes, load them into his boat berthed alongside the house and head out into the wild blue yonder. The boat has a 400cc engine and can reach a pretty high maximum speed. Nick will hit the Florida Keys pretty shortly because the canal next to his parents house leads directly to the coast. That's Nick's favorite stretch of water in the entire world. His own personal paradise. When he reaches one of the many small islands that make up the keys, Nick will drop anchor and turn into the silence. It's a universe away from the stress and noise that accompany the Backstreets on the road and it's something that Nick cherishes. That and the fact that he's certified. No, not insane. Nick is state certified for scuba diving which means he can dive in deep water. And there's nothing Nick enjoys more then exploring some octopussy's garden. At sundown Nick will turn the boat around and make his way back home. Upon his arrival he'll change his clothes for the third time since he got up and pig out on a pizza, first making sure that it doesn't contain any hidden anchovies. But if he's in the mood he might put a fresh fish in the pan and prepare a meal himself. Dinner is followed by another marathon video game session, this time helped by his brother and elder sister. When everyone's in bed Nick will almost certainly put "Aliens" on the video machine and frighten himself to death. When he finally gets to bed (incidentally, he sleeps in his tee shirt and boxers), he'll check for monsters in the closet and gingerly climb into bed. But he won't tempt the gremlins into gnawing at his toes in the night by dangling his feet over the end.

Good night Nick and sweet dreams.
