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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Backstreet Boy Toy

Every boy band has one: a shy, sensitive bloke whose plan to shrink from the spotlight is rumbled by the fact that all the fans think he's completely gorgeous! In the Backstreet Boys, that bloke is Nick!

Think of them as an essential ingredient of the scrummy mixture that is the boy band. Take That had Mark Owen, Boyzone have Stephen and 911 have Lee. If they're not the youngest, then they're certainly the cutest in their respective bands!That's not to say the other Backstreet Boys don't have a certain something (if you want a non-stop laugh with your man then choose Brian; if you want a non-stop party, grab AJ!), it's just Nick's the one who treads the fine line between cute and downright soft with such expertise. "I love the attention!" he told an interviewer recently. "After all, I'll never be the wild one, will I?"

So just what is it that makes Nick cute? For starters, he's blond. This is almost always a starting point when trying to pin down angelic - or at the very best vulnerable - qualities in a bloke. Next to the brooding dark and mysterious good looks of Kev, AJ and Howie, Nick can't help but look innocent! Maybe it's 'cos you wouldn't be quite as scared of approaching Nick as you would other members of the band.....
