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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Dating Nick

Nick is officially the youngest Backstreet Boy, and by quite a long way! It's not that Kevin could be his dad or anything, just that he's more likely to be one of your little brother's schoolmates than big brother's hell-raising biker friends! And that makes you want to, well, look after him. does this mean he gets a hard time from the rest of the band then? In the democratic bliss of the Backstreet Kingdom, it would appear not. "Us guys always treat each other the same," Nick told an interviewer. "We respect each other", he says.

Then there's the question of hidden qualities. There's obviously more to Nick than being a fluffy, all-American boy. He's not the type to sit around eating mom's apple pie all day you know! This is what the rest of the band reckon anyway and they should know. Howie has gone on record with the following before: "He's full of energy when he wants to be, but he doesn't always know how to focus his energy...."

So, if you want to win the affections of this young man, then here are some handy hints:

  • * Broaden your musical tastes, 'cos Nick's a fan of everything from Prince to Britpop.
  • * Develop a think skin and get your sense of humor into training 'cos Nick's a bit of a prankster and you could find   yourself on the receiving end of some of his 'jests'.
  • * Don't be too backwards at coming forwards 'cos Nick's a wee bit shy when it comes to playing the game of 'love'. If you don't make a move it might never happen!
