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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nothing Too Nutty for Nick

As the Baby of the Backstreet Boys, blond-haired Nick Carter tries to stay on the safe side of life. Although he’s used to the craziness of being in a band-up all night, traveling the world and constantly popping into parties-he’s not a big fan of taking risks. “The last thing I did was a shark dive, but thats not really crazy,” the 20-year-old shrugs.”When me and my dad go down diving in the Florida Keys, sometimes hammerhead sharks swim right by us and follow us while we dive,” Sounds pretty wild to us! But Nick says that’s as far as his devilish side will dare.

“I won’t bungee jump, and I won’t sky dive,” he exclaims. “I don’t care to put myself in crazy predicaments.” There’s nothing wrong with that!
