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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Interview With BOP!

The first words Nick carter uttered when he plopped down in a chair to chat with me were: "It will be a long interview, huh?" Of course, realizing Nick must be completely exhausted from his hectic touring schedule, I didn't get offended. Instead, it just made me more aware of the misconceptions that people have about Nick: that he has some serious superstar attitude.

"People think that I'm, like, 'famous'. People don't treat me like I'm a normal person, when I go home and I'm basically stuck in my normal life," Nick complained. "And also, people think that I'm perfect... I'm a normal human being, and so are the other guys, and I make mistakes and they make mistakes and I just try to live my life to the fullest. I try to have fun, and that is all I'm doing right now."

After talking with Nick for nearly two hours, I understood his frustration: This soft-spoken singer has not one ounce of star attitude. When talking about himself and his success, Nick bore an embarrassed grin and pulled his baseball cap down low over his face, clearly uncomfortable boasting about is his accoplishments. In fact, the only thing he was comfortable with boasting about is his tight-knight relationship with his family. "My family comes first before anything," he proudly said. "They are everything to me."

And Nick's not exaggerating about his family ties. "I try not to think about it," Nick shared. "The problem that I have is I don't call home as much as I should, and it's kind of like it's my excuse, because it makes time go by when I don't talk to them." I guess for Nick's family, the less they hear from him, the more they know he misses them.
