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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick From Head To Toe!


TEEN BEAT ASKS: Which hair products do you like?

NICK TELLS!: I don't know. I'm the type of person who doesn't care. I just go into the store and buy whatever. I do like White Rain coconut shampoo - that's my favorite stuff right there.


TEEN BEAT ASKS: Are you reading any special books or comics?

NICK TELLS!: I'm just really into Aliens and Predator (Those are two different series for comic books, in case ya didn't know.


TEEN BEAT ASKS: What was the last CD you bought?

NICK TELLS!: It was Eminem, but I really like Korn.


TEEN BEAT ASKS: What's your fave cereal?

NICK TELLS!: Count Chocula.


TEEN BEAT ASKS: Do you prefer Nintendo or PlayStations?

NICK TELLS!: Both, it doesn't matter. Nintendo, PlayStation, Sega, they're all the same to me... I was looking for old 8-bit Nintendo games. They are the first ever Nintendo games they ever made. I went to a few pawn shop and everything and they said, 'We don't carry them anymore.' So I got a hold of some kid who had a couple of them. He was selling them for $2 a game and I was having a blast, playing the old Nintendo.


TEEN BEAT ASKS: What's your least favorite part of your body?

NICK TELLS!: I'll admit it. I hate my stomach! I've got my dad's stomach. Funniest thing is, someone gets a trait, like a chin or something, but in my family, I got a stomach, and I got it from my dad. I can work out, I can work hard, but I still got a little stomach. I went on the Internet one day and people were talking about me being fat and me being overweight. I mean, I know I do kind of fluctuate my weight and stuff. I guess, I'm not really that overweight for my size and my height and everything, but it does really hurts my feelings a lot when people say that. I still get picked on because of it. (Poor sweetie!)


TEEN BEAT ASKS: What kind of clothing are you into?

NICK TELLS!: I just wear anything, I'll wear K-Mart clothes. I will, I don't care! As long as there's clothes on my back and shoes on my feet. I'm happy. If it looks good, I just throw it on.


TEEN BEAT ASKS: What's your shoe size?

