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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Interview With SuperTeen

Days before the release of Millennium, SuperTeen did lunch with Nick, Howie, AJ, Brian and Kevin at Universal Studios' Hard Rock Cafe in the boys hometown of Orlando. One-by-one, the guys shared some serious secrets, so listen in as Nick catches you up - then stay tuned for Brian, Howie, AJ and Kevin interviews beginning in the September issue of SuperTeen - on sale June 22nd!

Do you do a lot of shopping when you travel, Nick?

There's not too much time. I just like the history of like London, Germany and Europe and everything. There's too much to see and learn.

When you where tutored on the road, was it like the "the world was a classroom"?

That's basically what I had! I had the hands-on experience.

So what are you driving these days?

A green Dodge Durango and I also brought a black Plymouth Prowler roadster.

Do you sill drive the Corvette?

That was back in the day.

You still into scuba diving?

Not really. I do want to get a boat. I'm trying to get one now. I have to get back to the ocean! I'm really into the ocean...

Tell us about the new album.

It's called Millennium and we got a lot of slack from record company reps for naming it Millennium, because they were like, "Oh, that's so corny!" and we're like "Can you get any more.." We like the name and everything.. I was actually afraid someone else would use the name...

But don't you copyright it?

I've seen a lot of rap albums named the same and stuff like that so...

So you have a solo on it?


Is it "Heaven In Your Eyes"?

It's "I Need You Tonight". "Heaven In Your Eyes" was taken off.

What about those old rumors about you doing a comic book and a movie?

I really wanted to do that, really bad, there just was no time. There are so many things that I want to juggle. I want to do something here and something there... I'm like all over the place. My mind is scattered, sometimes it's hard for me to get a grip on one thing. Like recently I made a promise to myself and I said I was gonna start helping other people, in the industry, in singing, who are less fortunate than I am. There are a lot of people out there who are very talented, who all deserve a chance to get their stuff out there...

According to a foreign press, you and Brian are forming an all-girl band called Dynamasis. Is that true?

What? I'm not doing that. I'm working with an artist, he's a rapper. His name is Damon. Right now we're working on the material and I'm helping him get a record deal and I'm managing him.

So Nick, you must be so proud of your mom! She was on the New York Times Best Seller List, how do you feel about that?

It was totally great! That's all about, It's the true story of something that really happened, you know what I'm sayin'? "I've thought about it myself. I think all of us want to write a book in the future. Really what it's about is the truth, the truth being that you think you know someone and you don't. I know a lot of males, females, parents want to know what it's all about.

It was really interesting when your mom explained how difficult cult it was when you first stared out.

It was hard! Everybody gets through hard times, everybody! It's true. A lot of people think they know me... And (laughs) they do know a lot about me..

What about at home, are then fans that follow you around town?

No, people have been really cool at home. No one's really bothered me abd that's the one thing I really like about Tampa. 'Cuz Orlando is a really big tourist area. I kind of feel bad for the guys (Backstreet Boys) who live here, because you hop on a plane and they land here. With Tampa, it's an hour and a half away from Orlando and I live in a small town and I really am lucky. When I go to the mall, I might dress like myself.

Do you wear sunglasses and go incognito?

No, I just go like this (in street clothes). I don't think it's right to (walk around) there with the sunglasses on. I'm just a normal person like everyone else out there.. When I go in there, I look like a big beach bum, ya know what I'm sayin'?

Most people probably imagine you getting out of a limo with your bodyguard, running into the mall.

Nah.. I drive myself there in the car. I've only driven the Prowler a couple times...

Seen any good movies lately?

Saw She's All That. I actually saw (Rachael Leigh Cook) at the Grammy's... anyway, she had the lead role in She's All That. It was a really good movie. I was really impressed, it was unique in it's own way, a lot of movies these day aren't unique, ya know?...

Are you bored with the teen scream flicks?

No... I love anything.

So what about Aaron's possible TV show? Would you want to make a cameo in the first episode?

Heck, I'll do a bunch of cameos, every week I'll do a cameo... It'd be so cool! What would happen is, he could live his own life (on the show!), and I'll play basically what I am. He can gimme a call over - in Europe - while I'm touring - and I'll be like 'Yo, wassup Aaron?!' It'd be kind of like that, like I really do...

That must be hard.

Yeah, it's hard, it was a lot harder when I was a lot younger ... I think they're waiting for his next album to be released.

Are you talking about Surfin' USA?

No, a full length, not the EP. I wrote two songs.

On the old or the new one?

On the first one, Brian and I wrote "Ain't That Cute". But I have two songs on the next one. The type of music that he does, it's pop and it's really fun. He's a pretty good performer, and he's a really good actor.

So how has it been with your siblings? Do they have tough time with all this?

They had a tough time in the beginning, but now they've gotten a little older and used to it.

Now we hear Leslie's coming out with her own album?

Yeah, she's working on something.

Aaron compares her to Jewel right? She has more of a folk sound?

She's a Jewel type, like (the 70's singer) Karen Carpenter.

What are you listening to these days?

I bought Eminem's album. The Slim Shady LP... the music is good, the rapping is good, overall he's a great artist but... he's a little weird...

You still like rap?

I like rap, I'm a big rap fan. I've been listening to rap since the early days.

Do you go to concerts at all? Do you enjoy live music?

I'm not really a big fan of concerts. See the thing is... I consider myself 'a modern day hermit' (in joking tone). I like ti just sit around in my house and hide away.

Nick how, does someone as famous as you are go to to a concert? Do you have to sit in a special VIP section?

The last concert I went to, if I'm correct, was a Silverchair concert in Europe.

You still love Journey?

I really respect the group Journey, until they got the new singer. I respect a lot of rock groups. Rock groups in a general write their own music, play their own music. And not only they write and play it, they record it and produce it! It's really all those that I respect. To produce that many hits, like Journey did. I respect groups like that.

Our readers always ask, 'How can I meet Nick Carter?' What can we tell them?

How do you meet me? You just meet me... Well... I love attention... I love attention, what can I say?

So how are you handling the fan mail?

We're just so busy, we're really busy. A lot of times if I receive a fan mail, I answer right back and I'm not ashamed about it. I'm not gonna just throw out somebody's mail who's taken a lot of time to write a letter to me. That's not what it's about.

What if you get a ton of mail? How do you know there isn't something really special and valuable in there. Like say jewelry or something?

I personally get scared that fans do send things in the mail, like their private posessions or things that they really do care about. If they wanna give me something, just come up and hand it to me.... I've gone out an signed stuff for girls and eevrything. If they have it there and hold it out, I'll sign it, simple as that. If it's something they really want me to have...

How has everything changed for you guys?

Things have changed to an extent. I've grown up a little bit. I started in this group when I was 12/13 years old and now I'm 19. There's a big difference in between. I think that's one factor, one way I've changed is I'm more mature. When I was younger, you know, I had tendency to really annoy the guys a lot. That was just me. Prankster, if that's what you want me to call it/ I still got the tendecies, I'm not gonna say I don't. But not as much, I was bad.

What did you do?

Anything. I was the king of Spencer's. I'd go into Spencer's (gag store in malls) and buy all them jokes! Put stuff in someone's food.

Gum that tastes like fish?

Gum tastes like fish! I did that to Howie's dad one time! We were on the boat and we were going fishing! And I had this fish candy from Spencer's, and we were fishing, so what's the first thing that comes to mind is fish when you fishing, right? So he pops in this piece of candy, he eats it, sticks it into his mouth, sucks on it for a while then takes a big bite into it and spits it right out and says, 'This is fish!' I used to be bad....

When you first met the guys, what was your very first impression and how has that changed over time?

When I first met this guy (points to Brian), I thought, country bumpkin'! It was crazy! (In thick southers draw!) 'Heyyy, howww ya'llll doooooin'? My name's Briannnnn Littrell.'
Brian: (Laughs) It's not that bad anymore!!
Nick: He's not that bad anymore. All our accents have changed.

How about Kevin?

Kevin in still Kevin. He's the same guy, he really hasn't changed much. And AJ, he's changed!

How so?

Well, last I checked, his skin didn't have that color... You know, all those tattoos. But that's him, that's AJ. That's what he likes to do. Really, it's just all about growing up and personally doing what you want to do.

But personalities still stay somewhat the same? No ones gotten bigh headed along the way?

As long as you know within yourself that you're no better than anybodu else out there, you're okay...!

How about Howie?

Howie (who is his cell phone on the moment) is just always on the cell phone all the time! No, I'm just joking. He is a serious businessman right now. Honestly! He's got the condos going on.

So if I want to buy a Sweet D condo, what do I have to do?

You gotta call Sweet D! And to get a hold of him... thing is, don't stay at Howie's condos, stay at mine, they're better!

Wait a second, you have condos too?

No, I don't have condos (laughs)... ask me some more questions!

When Brian was going through all that difficult stuff with the surgery and all, you being Frick and Frack and best friends and all that, how did it affect you?

Ya know... I was scared (looks down). Being that he's one of my best friends, I wanted all the best for him. I'd never been involved in a situation like that before, but I was scared for him. I'm the type of person... I don't like to see anything happen to anybody. And I remembered there were some times when I would sit back and I'd pray and I'd say "G-d, ya know, why do you have to take this person? Take me instead of him." He's... never done anything wrong in his life. It's just like, the Lord works in mysterious ways. Now, nobody knows what it's all about, but thank G-d he's still here. That's all we hoped for.


What kind of clothing do you wear?

I just wear anything, I'll wear K-Mart clothes, I will, I don't care! As long as there's clothes on my back and shoes on my feet, I'm happy. I don't care. If looks good, I just throw it on.

Do you use any special hair care products?

I don't know. I'm the type of person who doesn't care. I just go into the store and buy whatever... I do like White Rain's Coconut Shampoo - that's my favorite stuff right there.

What's your shoe size?


Do you have a favorite cereal?

Count Chacula (same as Aaron).

Are there any TV shows you like to watch?

I kind of got into the X Files a little bit, just 'cuz I love that stuff.... but I don't watch TV.

Reading any special books or comics?

I'm just really into Aliens and Predator. (two different series of comic books)

Latest favorite video games?

I'm a big Nintendo fan. That's all I can say.

What's better, Nintendo or PlayStation?

Both, it doesn't matter. Nintendo, PlayStation, Sega, they're all the same to me... I was looking for old 8-bit Nintendo games... That's the first Nintendo games they ever made... I went to a bunch of pawnshops and they said, "We don't carry them anymore." So I got a hold of some kid who was selling them for $2 a game and I was having a blast, playing the old Nintendo.

What's your fave part of your body? Worse part of your body?

I don't really have a favorite part. I'm not like that... But I'll admit it. I hate my stomach! I've got my dad's stomach. Funniest thing is, my dad, you know, someone gets a trait, like a chin or something, in my family, I got a stomach! And my dad, where I got it from. I can work out, I can work hard, but I still got a little bit... I got a stomach.

What's something you wish people would stop saying about you?

I went on the Internet one day and people were talking about me being overweight. I mean, I know I do kind of flactuate with my weight and stuff... I'm not really that overweight for my size and my height (6'1) and everything, but it really does hurt my feelings a lot when people say that. It's like, yeah, I really do have a stomach, but it's not like (that bad).... and people just kind of... I got picked because of it.

Do the guys ever give you a hard time about your weight?

(Looks around and whisper) Yeah, they do.
