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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Ooh, You BIG Liar!

You see an old granny stealing tins of corned beef from a supermarket. What do you do?

A really old granny? Hmmmm, let me think. I'd probably tell her on because stealing is bad no matter how old you are. If she's as old as you say then she should know better - I'd have to tell!

A georgous girl you've fancied for ages chats you up. Trouble is, she's 25 and doesn't go for younger men. Do you lie about your age?

Maybe, heh heh! (Pauses for a couple of seconds) No...oh, I don't know. This is a really hard question. Erm, put it this way, if I was very interested in a girl I wouldn't want the relationship to start off with a lie so i suppose I'd tell her the truth.

A fan asks you to give a new computer game she's bought for AJ - her favourite BSB - as a pressie. Do you keep it for yourself?

If it was a game I wasn't interested in then I'd give it to AJ, but if it was one I really wanted, well, then I'd just have to keep it! Sorry! And if AJ asked me where I got it? Oh, now you're gonna get me in so much trouble because the guys would read this. Oh well, no, I wouldn't tell him.

You're on a tour and out partying until six in the morning when your mum calls your hotel. What do you say when she rings next day?

Well, I'm never usually out that late but if I was, I'd tell her I was in bed fast asleep and just didn't hear the phone! The thing is I wouldn't want her to worry, and she would if she knew I was out until that time.

You're buying a shirt that costs $30 but the assistant rings up $10 by mistake. What do you do?

Oh, I wouldn't say a word. I'd just have an enormous smile on my face as I left the shop - quickly. I seem to remember it happening once before. Hey, it's just tough luck!

Pants on fire verdict:3/4
Despite that angelic smile, Nick knows a food fiblet or two. So next time he says he was tucked up in bed at 10 p.m., you can bet he's lying!
