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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Interview with TEEN Magazine

He's 19 now, but Nick wears his youngest-in-the-group badge with pride. And this 6'1" reformed prankster certainly doesn't lack an ounce of confidence. "Remember when you're dressing me, you're dressing Shaq!" he told our wardrobe stylist.

Was the age difference between you and the other guys ever a big deal?

When we first started I was like 13, so there was a big difference between me and the next youngest, AJ - who was 16. But I've learned a lot over the years - how to communicate, how to be respectful and how not to be a pest, which I was when I was younger.

So you were annoying on purpose?

Yeah, I like to get a laugh out of things. I was a prankster back then.

How would you describe yourself now?

I'm a very quite person. I consider myself a mordern-day hermit. I don't like to party. I'm happy if I'm in my hotel room just chillin'.

So what do you do when you're off

I play video games and sports with my friends. I go to the movies and drive around in my car.

Do you have your own place?

Yeah, I'm a real big fan of the beach and the ocean, so my place has just about everything to do with the ocean. It's on a small canal, so I was thinking about getting a boat.

Do you have a girlfriend?

I'm seeing somebody.

How long have you been seeing her?

That's classified. That's kind of the secret part of my life, you know?

What do you look for in a girl?

You don't really know until you meet that person. She could bet tall, or small...

So you don't date just georgous girls?

When I was in school I wasn't very attractive to girls in school. But I remember a girl I dated who was really sweet and really kind. I've dated girls who might not have been that attractive, but they were just as kind and as sweet-hearted as anybody.
