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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick Squeals On Aaron!

Nick, how would you describe your little brother Aaron?

Nick: Well, basically he's a little blond 10 year-old, dancing' and singing' fool! That's what he is. I mean, he's...on the tour with us and pretty much that's what it's about. I mean I love him. He's my little brother and we're going to have fun.

Since you're helping to manage Aaron's career, what sort of advice are you passing on to him?

Nick: I've gone through a lot especially at the age of 12 you know...And being that he wants to do the same thing, why not pass a little bit of what you know and lead him past all the rocky roads, you know? I wrote a song with Brian on Aaron's album and I'm already preparing to write some more songs for his next album. I actually want to produce some songs too.

Are you doing a duet with him?

Nick: Yes, maybe...I don't know.

Nick, how do you feel about your little brother tagging along on the tour?

Nick: It's great, because he and I are going to be spending a lot more time together than we usually do...I've been travelling everywhere and I, guess, so has he. So we really haven't been able to catch up with each other. Now that we're on tour together, I think it's really cool. You know, we're going to do what brothers do. He's a lot younger than me...I'm here to knock him down a few notches...but he's been handling it very good.

Do you see a lot of yourself in him?

Nick: I definitely see the urge of him wanting to do it... to be just as successful as I wanted to be back then.
