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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

The Naked Truth

You are at a dinner in a foreign country when your host serves up the local delicacy - pig's eyes in jelly. He'll be extremely upset if you don't eat it. What would you do?

Nick: Pig's eyes in jelly? (Thinks) Well, if he was to offer monkey's brains and snakes, that might be OK, hahahaha! But pig's eye in jelly? How upset would they be? (Very!) Well, if the pig's eyes were served up with bread or soemthing and they weren't staring at me as I was eating them, it would be cool. I'd eat them, yeah.

A journalist asks you if any of the other Backstreets have girlfriends. You know they have. Do you split?

Nick: I don't think's not my decision to tell their business. If someone was to ask me, I'd just say, 'Ask them. That's their personal stuff, and if they wanted to tell you, they would.'

At a party, you're introduced to a beautiful but boring girl and a fun but not-so-cute girl. Which of the two you would talk to?

Nick: Well, you could talk to the beautiful girl and she could be really stuck up and have a bad attitude, but the not-so-pretty girl could have a great personality. I'd have to see what their personalities were like first.

There's a girl you really want to ask out. The thing is, your mates tell you she's trouble and only likes you 'cos you're famous. What do you do?

Nick: Hmmm... Actually, I trust other people's opinions on how they feel about certain people. If I met someone I really liked but my friends said they knew something for a fact, I'd listen to them.
