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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Transcript of the Interview with Nick and his Mom on Chicago's B96 Radio

D.J.: (phone ringing) Don't say who it is. He's gotta know our voice by now.

Nick: What's up?!?

D.J.: What's up buddy, Nick?!?

Nick: Oh no!

D.J.: Are we in Chicago or what?!?

Nick: OH NO!

D.J.: Ladies and gentlemen, Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys, what's up Nicky?

Nick: Howdy Dody?

D.J.: Where's your mama?

Nick: She's right here.

Jane: I'm right here.

D.J.: Hi Jane, how are you?

Jane: I'm good.

D.J.: Do we call you Jane, or mom, or what should we call you?

Jane: You can call me ... mom.

D.J.: Mom, I like that! Now wait a minute, who's riding who's coat-tails here? You have a new book called The Heart and Soul of Nick Carter. Now are you taking advantage of your boy here?

Jane: Actually, I'm just trying to share who he is with his fans.

D.J.: Well thats good cause they all want to know. We've been finding that out. How does it feel to have a heart throb baby? Do you fight to keep the girls away?

Jane: I'm just really proud of him. I think he's pretty well balanced. He knows the difference between right and wrong and to have him be a heart throb, it gives me a lot of pride to know that so many people and so many girls admire him.

D.J.: You've got a couple of them actually.

Jane: Yeah, oh yeah. I've got Aaron too.

D.J.: When Nicky was a lil' boy, what did he want to be?

Nick: I wanted to be in the Navy.

D.J.: Are you serious?

Nick: I wanted to be in some type of ... it says it in the book too. I wanted to be a seal.

D.J.: A Navy Seal? You know I was always jealous in the playground cause all the other kids could do the (making gun noises) the li'l machine gun noises, and I couldn't.

Nick: (laughing) I was that one.

D.J.: Do it!

Nick: (still laughing) I can't do it.

D.J: Okay, I read something in the book that, Nicky you were into tap dancing when the other guys were into sports, is that true?

Nick: Yeah I was into tap dancing. I really couldn't do it that well. Really that's my weakest point, was probably dancing, period. I really wasn't that well of a dancer.

D.J.: But that was the 1st quote we heard, was while all the other boys were playing baseball, he was tap dancing. Mom, your making him look like a wuss.

(All laughing)

Jane: Well it was hard on him at the time because he wanted to do it. He just wanted to be this performer, but he got ridiculed, so he had to keep everything secret from his friends.

D.J: Do we hear much about the dad in this book, or where is the dad? I'm sorry if I don't know, but we don't hear much about him

Jane: Well that's cause he's...

Nick: He's a man undercover.

Jane: That's cause he likes to lay low.

D.J: But you still are married?

Jane: Oh yeah!

D.J: So there's a good nuclear family. Know wonder he's got such a good up bringing

Jane: Been married for 19 years.

D.J: Was he a bad boy? Did he get in trouble at all?

Nick: Yeah I did.

Jane: Yeah he did.

D.J: Alright Nick, were you ever grounded?

Nick: Listen out of 365 days in the year, I was grounded probably 363 days.

D.J: Do you remember 1 specific incident you could think of?

Nick:Well, I mean numerous amount of things. I used to sneak in the fridge. She used to get mad at me all the time cause I would play Nintendo for ridiculously long!

Jane: He was addicted to it.

Nick: Oh I was. She used to hide my controllers and I 'd always find them

~~Then, the D.J.'s asked Nick to hang up and Jane to hold on so they could find out if they would answer 2 questions the same.~~

D.J: Ques. 1, what was the girl who gave Nick his first kiss?

Jane: Oh I know this, Bryn.

D.J.: Question 2, When he was born, how much did he weight? Pounds and ounces.

Jane: (laughing) I wrote it in the book, but I don't remember. I think it was 8 pounds 11 ounces.

D.J: O.K. get Nick back on. What was the name of the girl who gave you your first kiss?

Nick: Uuumm, her name was Bryn, I think.

D.J: Ding, ding, ding! Okay, one more question on Nick Careter jeopardy, how much did you weigh, pounds and ounces, at birth?

Nick: Well I know I was a fat baby! Uuuummm, 10 pounds 9 ounces.

D.J: Well you got one right.

Jane: Well, I've had 5 kids, so it's kinda hard to remember.

D.J: Wow, a big family. Well were gonna look for the book, The Heart and Soul of Nick Carter in Chicago book stores, on sale now.

Nick: Yup!

D.J: Listen Nicky, thanks for taking our call.
