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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Brian and Nick

Who has the biggest influence on his life?

N: You have, Frick
B: Thanks, Frack. Actually, that's probably not too far off the truth. I've maybe not had the BIGGEST influence on him, but perhaps a major influence over the last years, when he's done most of his growing up. So it's probably been me and his parents.

Is he a good role model for the younger fans?

B: Occasionally! No, to be honest, I think he's done really well. Being in this positon as young as he is, he's handled everything that's come his way like a grown man.

Would Brian make a good boyfriend?

N: Ooh... that's a tricky one. I guess so, particularly if the girl was like me, ha ha! She'd have to be full energy and enjoy doing active things like playing Nintendo. But he's caring kinda guy - I reckon if he found the right girl, he'd do anything for her.

What sort of girls does he like?

N: He like Pamela Anderson and Sandra Bullock.
B: While Nick likes the real dark haired girls - the total opposite of him.

Which song is Brian most proud of?

N: He loves "I'll Never Break Your Heart", but hmmm..... what else?
B: I don't know if I should say my ones but I'm really proud of Quit Playing Games."
N: Yeah, of course. You do pretty well on that one - then again, i do, too! Don't I?

What's most important to him - love fame or money?

N: That's a tricky one. They've got all got their place I suppose. (Brian's desprately clutching his heart and looking smoochly.)
B: Come on, Frick! It's an easy one!
N: Oh yeah, that's right, it'll be love. (Quietly) Did I do OK, Frick?
