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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Chattin' with Backstreet Boys' Nick & Howie!

Listen In As They Answer Questions About Everything From Relationships To Chewing Gum!

Do you share a room when you're staying in a hotel?

Nick: We used to! Until we started pulling each other's hair out.

Howie: Not any more! We've made a little bit of money, so now we can finally afford our own rooms (laughs). It's good we're with each other 24-7, but we sometimes need just a little bit of time for ourselves.

How do you choose the girls in the audience that you pull up on stage?

Howie: We don't anymore... our security go out there and choose girls who they think would be right, height-wise and stuff like that, for us.

How are you different off-stage than you are on-stage?

Howie: Not that much, I mean we're crazy people!

Nick: Off-stage we're pretty much, if you want to consider us normal, just normal people.

Howie: Yeah, we're still normal, everyday people, we go shopping, we still have chores at home to do... I don't have chores so much anymore, Nicky has chores.

Nick: Shut up, Howie!

Howie: He's younger.

Nick: When I go home, it's just like I say, I'm 18 years old and if I gotta take out the garbage back home, I'm gonna take it out!

What do you bring on the road with you?

Nick: I bring my video games... Sometimes I bring my Nintendo 64 or PlayStation. Doesn't really matter...

Howie: I bring my book bag, which has my whole house in it! Everything!

Nick: He does, for real, literally!

Howie: It's so heavy, nobody wants to carry it! It has everything from my CD player, CDs, cassette player, Spanish books, sunglasses; I have just about everything and anything.

So how do you maintain a relationship? Do you guys have girlfriends, long distance relationships?

Nick: It doesn't work. It doesn't work that good. If you think about it, in our situation... if we were just here in the States maybe it would work, but man, we are everywhere! Asia and everywhere - we're always gone for like months at a time.

Howie: We date and stuff like that. Like meet other artists and other entertainers and stuff like that, when you're in town you want to hang out, it's always good to have company out there, especially when we're away from our families. But like Nicky said, it's very hard to have like a serious relationship. But we definitely like girls!

Nick: That's for sure!

Let's talk about wardrobe, who chooses the stuff you wear?

Nick: Well, basically they just throw it at us and we put it on.

Howie: We have a stylist whom we've been working with for pretty much all our videos. We've gotten really comfortable with their style of clothing and stuff like that; we kind of like collaborate with them.

Have they ever put you in something you were like, "No, thank you"?

Howie: Yeah, a few times.

Nick: Our first video, "We've Got It Goin' On," they put us in some stuff but we kind of had to deal with it.

Howie: I think in the very beginning, when they first got us introduced to this kind of clothing, we weren't used to it yet. Everything they get us is normally stuff that's like ahead of the times...

What would you say is your style?

Nick: My kind of style is sportswear, jerseys... with me it just depends on how I feel. If I want to dress alternative, I'll dress alternative. If I want to dress preppy, I'll dress preppy. Whatever. It's just me.

Howie: I'm kind of a little more conservative. I'll wear jeans. Sometimes I'll wear slacks, a nice shirt or something like that.

What was the funniest thing you've ever gotten from a fan?

Howie: ... Over in Europe, I told them I liked Gummy Bears... and since then, I've gotten bombarded with Gummy Bears like all the time! Even thrown up on stage and stuff like that. And this one girl came to America on my birthday... and brought me a cake made of Gummy Bears!

What happens when you get bummed out on the road, who do you go to?

Nick: We consider ourselves brothers, so anything a family of brothers would do, is what we would do.

Do you guys play practical jokes on each other?

Nick: I do! I haven't been able to pull them off lately, because they know all my tricks! I usually do like itching powder and stuff.

Howie: He's got gum that turns your mouth blue and gum that has like fish... in it.

Was there ever anything that happened on-stage that just cracked you guys up?

Nick: We had a situation one time where Kevin slipped on a pack of cigarettes that a fan threw up. It's funny because he just got back up, but there was a time when Howie fell off the stage. It was an accident, but I pushed him.

Do you have nicknames for each other?

Nick: Howie is 'Sweet D;' they call me 'Chaos,' just because I am chaos! We call A.J. 'Bone,' because he's so skinny. Kevin is 'Train,' because he's very unaware of things and sometimes he'll just run into a wall.

Howie: We'll be playing basketball and he'll like run you over.

Nick: Brian is 'B-Rok' because he likes to play basketball and they call basketballs 'rocks', so...

Do you travel well, sitting on a plane for 24 hours?

Nick: No, I hate flying!

Are you superstitious about flying?

Nick: No, I just hate it, just plain hate flying. No superstitions.

If you're not working, what time do you get up?

Nick: 1:00 in the afternoon!

Do you watch daytime TV at all?

Nick: I can't stand soaps. I can't stand game shows...

When you committed to the band, did you know it was going to be this kind of commitment?

Nick: Actually, when we started this up, we thought it was just going to be a fun thing right now... everything we do is like, 'Am I really here? Am I really doing this? Are these people really here doing a video for us?' Sometimes you wonder why.

So you didn't think there was this much work involved?

Nick: Nah, we didn't. We thought you sign a contract, here's your pay for five years and you're set! But it's not like that, it's a lot of work... and a lot of people from the outside don't realize how much you have to work...

Do you vote on everything as a group?

Nick & Howie: We have a democracy.

What's the most favorite thing in your room?

Nick: My Michael Jordan pictures and my Nintendo.

Howie: My bed! It's all mine and I can sleep in it when I'm home, which ain't that often!

How do you feel about wearing make-up on-stage?

Nick: I hate make-up, never wear it on stage! Sweat it off!

What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for a girl?

Howie: A while back, before I got into the group, I was dating this one girl, it was her birthday. I asked my parents if I could cook at the house, so I cooked a grilled dinner, we had a little candlelight thing. We ended up going from there to the airport... My car had a sunroof and we just watched the planes go by.

What's your favorite chewing gum?

Howie: Um, I'd say, uh... extra cinnamon... sugar free.

Nick: It's called Big League Chew - and it's the purple kind!
