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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick and AJ: Once Totally Fair

How do you get along with each other?

Nick: Totally bad! (he starts to punch AJ's belly, while AJ starts 'wrestling' with Nicky immediately. Breathless they let each other go) Nonsense! We're at the same wave-length, we thinkg kinda the same and we like the same things.

AJ: Nick is crazy. He's a small madman, just like me. His sense of humour is awesome. He is fulled up with energy. He always keeps my good mood alive. I really liek him, he's a good boy.

NICK: Thank you, you said that nicely. I like AJ most times too, very much, he only talks too much rubbish.

AJ: I talk rubbish? I think your imaginating things!

NICK: Anywayz, you do! (he hides behind a pillar) You tell such fantastic stories, about things you have done, things which have passed, and so many details couldn't possible be true! It neves me, cuz with you, you can't ever know whether something it true or not!

AJ: (giggles) It's your own fault! You're so naive, you believe anything!

Have you ever had a big fight?

AJ: Yes, we have had differences of opinion one or two times, but we never did something physically to each other. When we're mad at each other, it takes at most a few minutes. Then we talk about it. We try never to be mad at each other when we're on stage.

NICK: Once we had one hell of a fight! We yelled at each other and we were mad as hell! But the funny thing, when it was all over, we wrote a song together, and it really became great!

Did you like each others from the start?

NICK: Yes, I liked AJ immediately. I met Howie and AJ on the same day, at a casting. That's a long time ago already! We walked a bit in the break, and I thought they both were really nice. But AJ was truly cool!

AJ: The first time I met Nick was about 4 years ago. Then he was still 12 years old. At that time, he was very quiet, caught up in his computer game and he had a new girlfriend every day. No, tosh, that was just a joke. (smiles) Guess this was one of the idiot stories, Nick hates so much about me. He's very young and he only has rubbish in his head. But it was kinda funny, he kinda looked up to me and we always were together. Then he was very quiet, but he started to come out of his shell bit by bit now. But sometimes he's still like he was, then he gets really quiet, and he doesn't produce a sound. Especially before a show or performance he becomes 'thinky'. He's so dedicated, he gets tired.

NICK: But that doesn't happen very often! I was born to make fun of things, and I love to make music. They say I've got a great bunch of energy, many times the others even call me 'The Hyperman'.

You have known each other for four years now. Things have changed. Has your relationship changed too?

NICK: No. We just get older, and sometimes there are things AJ does and I don't understand. But that'll probably be because of the age difference. He's 18 and I'm 16 years old. 2 years say a lot there!

What kind of things do you do when you're together?

AJ: Hangin' out, trying out video games...My favorite game is 'Mortal Combat', that's a kinda hard game. And often we go swimming at his place.

NICK: And listening to music of course! We like the same kind of music, Alternative music, Grunge and that kinda stuff.

Do you two have a shared hobby?

AJ: Yeah, basketball! Nick is pretty good already, he plays much better than in the beginning. We bought him a basketball, and he practised a lot. We all love playing basketball.

What does friendship mean to you?

NICK: Friendship - that's a bond between people, who talk together, do thing together and feel connected to each others, who have loads of fun together.

AJ: Everything! In bad times you can't have anything better than a couple of good friends, people you can trust. Girlfriends come and go, but real friends will stay forever. Real friendship you don't find very often. Just like you family, friends are always there for you. It's kinda intersting, in what ways friends are changing. Who's a real friend, I found out because of my carreer. Real friends say: 'Okay, have fun in Germany, see ya soon.' The other 'friends' say: 'Could yo bring me that and that, that could be useful.' When I get home, I love it so much to meet them again and to hang out with 'em. And you also have people who say you stayed the same and tell you: 'Hey cool, you have this job and you haven't forgotten us!' I think I'm still the same guy as when I left school, but many of my 'friends' have changes their attitude facing me.

Do you do anything for friends?

AJ: In any case! In my group in Orlando, there's a girl with a dope-problem, and she's kicking the habit at the moment. She calls me sometimes, and then she tells me she won't make it, and then I say: 'When you do it, you'll be a whole new person! Hold on! I know the cure is the best thing to do for you, and that's why we let you do this.' For friends you often must do things, you don't want to do, but you have to do them, becuase of your friendship.

Would you do everything for a real friend?

AJ: Yes, I don't see any reasons not to do anything for a friend!

NICK: It depends, how long the friendship has been already. I've got some friends since I was a little kid, and I would do anything for them. Of course it also depends on the situation. Something illegal may be too much.

AJ: Yeah, he's right. I wouldn't like to lie. Then it really has to be a necessity. And do something illegal... I mean, what kind of friend is it who asks something like that from you?

NICK: I would lie. When a friend for example has girl-trouble, it would be different. I would help him out of the scrape.

Who is your best friend?

NICK: I don't only have guy-friends, at home there's a girl, she's kinda like my best friend. I understand her perfectly. She not my girlfriend or something, she's just me best friend, but she's really great. I also go to her when I have a problem, and sometimes I call her when I'm touring. I don't have many problems, but if I had one, I can go to so many people. I could also go to one of the guys or to my parents. I'm glad my parents are always there when I'm touring.

AJ: My best friends are the guys in the band. For three years we're together night and day, and in this time we became superfriends.
