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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick Carter Comes Clean!

Nick's most revealing interview ever! Girls, romance, love and lust!

We quizzed Nick Carter about the opposite sex, and he revealed much more than we needed to know! Read on...

If a girl fancies you, what does she have to do to impress you?

I'm fond of presents. So a beautiful present will certainly break the ice! If she can be herself when she starts talking to me, then she has a good chance. I don't like girls who are not themselves, who are in awe or look up to me just because I'm in a band, who love me just because I'm a pop star. You should always be yourself, never try to be someone you are not.

And suppose a girl matches what you like, what should she do then to surprise you?

The truth is, I'm fond of aggressive girls, girls who'll do anything to reach their goal. So when a girl just goes for it, whatever other people think or say about what she does, I like that. I like girls who don't let other people stop them. That type of girl is the best! If I had a girlfriend like that, I'm sure she would surprise me all the time.

And what would turn you off a girl?

That's a hard one because nobody is perfect. I'm not so fond of bad breath or when a girl is taller than I am! Also, when she thinks she is better than others, or when she only thinks of herself. That's a real breakdown situation.

What do girls do to get in touch with you?

Everything! They have to be creative because when we're touring it's not easy for them to find us. We have security, to start with. They guard us as if we are made of gold. It's not an easy thing to pass them. Then you have to try to get into our rooms, so first you have to find out in which room we're staying. We don't register under our own names in hotels to make it more difficult, but still girls succeed in finding us!

What do they do to get in the room?

They phone and pretend they are someone else, someone who knows us, or the cleaning lady for instance, or the hotel manager.

Do you let them in when they finally reach your room?

No, what I do is, I ask them in a friendly way to leave. Sometimes I chat to them a little bit first and most of the time they leave. If not, you have to call security.

Have you ever kissed a fan?

No. First of all because it wouldn't show much respect for the girls. And also because ... I never ... you know?

Slept with a girl?

Right. So I have never slept with a fan!

Let's say you have a girlfriend and you want to take her on a romantic date. What would you do?

I'd probably take her to McDonalds or to an Italian restaurant. I love pizza! I just can't get enough of it!

What's the first thing you look at when you see a girl?

The eyes. Really! Of course, the rest of the body interests me too, but the eyes are always the first thing. I must admit, I like breasts too!

What is the most sensitive part of your body?

That's a tough one! Maybe it's the part which I don't dare to mention!

What will your life be like in 10 years' time?

I have no idea. I hope I do things I like, that's important to me. I hope I won't be a cleaner by then, because I hate cleaning. And, of course, I hope to be married by then and maybe have a baby, or two!
