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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick : Mr.Cute

q: Do You Like Being Called Cute?

a: I guess it doesn't bother me. I could be called worse things and the others don't take the mickey or anything. When I say a girl's cute I mean she's fine and maybe a bit cuddly, so it's not a bad word.

q: Have You Always Been Mr. Popular?

a: No. I never was at school. I was very different from the others and I was away from class a lot with the band so the other guys never liked me. I never got any of the beautiful girls either! I guess my girlfriends I had were nice but they weren't amazingly gorgeous. They weren't the cheerleader types.

q: Were You A Cute Baby?

a: It's hard to judge yourself. My family used to call me Charlie Brown 'cause I had a big round head and no hair. There's still baby pictures on display at home which is a bit embarrassing. My mum's even got the family album out when a girl's been around and gone, 'Here's a picture of Nick as a baby without any clothes on!

q: What's The Least Cute Thing About You?

a: I think my ears are too big. They stick out too far. They do!

q: How Cute Would You Say You Are On A Scale of 1-10?

a: Seven - and - a - half...ish!

q: Are You Amazed That So Many Girls Fancy You?

a: It's really flattering. I love the attention but I always think 'Why do they like me?' Hopefully they like my voice and personality - I'd rather it wasn't just because of the way I look.

q: Would You Be Embarrassed If A Girl Gave You Flowers?

a: Not really. I think nowadays it doesn't matter if you're a girl or a guy - you still like getting presents don't you. But if the girl filled the whole room with flowers...well, I don't know about that - that could be a bit too much!

q: Would You Buy A Cuddly Nintendo?

a: I like them to be sturdy so I'd say they're pretty cool the way they are. That's a real weird question! Do You 'Cute It Up' For The Camera? I guess I do it on purpose a bit but I don't have a routine, I just do what comes natural. You get photographers telling you to look a certain way but i've never been taught how to look cute.

q:Are You Ever Shy Around Girls?

a: Yes, I can be. If I like a girl I usually try and ignore her. I get a tingly feeling in my stomach and I won't go near her!

q: Are you Spoiled Because You're The Youngest?

a: I get treated fairly and us guys always treat each other the same. We respect each other.

q: Don't You Ever Get Sick of Being Called The Cute One?

a: No, I love the attention! After all, I'll never be the wild one will I? I'm just being myself.

q: Would You Rather Be Called Anything Else?

a: No, not really. I mean, it's no big thing to me. It all comes naturally. How we act is how we are in the inside - we don't put any of it on.
