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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Interview with BIG! 1998

Have you ever taken anything from a hotel room?

Nick: "Yeah, a bible. I usually take a bible everywhere with me., but I've forgotten a few times and there was one in this room, so I just took it. I guess it it's complimentary anyway, right? I think I've also taken a few towels but I've never taken anything big like a a tv."

You give it your all when you're on stage, but off-stage you say you're really shy. Wich is the real Nick Carter?

Nick: "Off stage I don't like to go to clubs. I like to keep myself to myself! The guys like to go out to party's and night clubs but that's not the sort of person I am. I like to play video games and spend time by myself. But on stage I become this wild person, it's not bad, in fact it's kinda cool. But yes, I do have some kind of Jekyll and Hyde thing going on. I love to get up on stage and do all this sexy dancing but I could never go to a club and dance like that!"

What's the worst lie you've ever told?

Nick: "I used to lie a lot when I was younger. There was this one time I went to the fridge and ate a pizza. When my mom asked if I'd eaten it, I was like, 'I didn't eaten it'. Then she spanked me! I think a lot of parents have difficulties with their kids and I believe a spank is the best thing. Even now if I had dis-respect my mom, she'd still go, 'Whack'. It's good for kids, cos they learn real quick."

How many girls have you kissed in one night?

Nick: "Two. One time I kissed two girls about then minutes after each other. I had been seeing this girl and we were at this party one night and then I met this other girl and we were outside kissing. The first girl came out and caught me with the second girl. She dumped me there and then, I wasn't too proud of myself, I can tell you."

You're 18 now. Do you drink beer?

Nick: "I don't like to drink. I know this is gonna sound like I'm Mr Goody-Two Shoes or whatever, but I just hate the taste. Of course, I've tried beer. But I've seen too many people act weird when they've had too much to drink and I don't want to look as goofy as they do!"

How do you rate yourself as a big brother?

Nick: "I'm OK. Whenever my brothers or sisters need me, I'll be there for them. I love them dearly and whatever I do, I do it for my family. In fact, I'm not just OK, I'm actually a great brother."

Does it freak you out that Aaron idolises you?

Nick: "No, not at all. He's in a very critical situation because he's so young and it must be really scary for him. He needs to have people around him that he can completely trust."

When did you last lose your temper?

Nick: "Probably the other week. We were talking business. It was something someone else told us we were doing and I heard the amount of time we would have to be working and I didn't believe it. I just went nuts and then, phew, it was over. And everything was OK again."

When was the last time you swore?

Nick: "I don't really curse. There was this time when I fell over just before we went on stage and I really hurt my thumb. I wanted to yell ou the badest words but I had my microphone on and I thought everyone would hear me!"
