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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

BSB On Nick!

Kevin: Nick has a real care-free attitude and doesn't take anything seriuosly - maybe that's because he's only 17. His age probably has something to do with all his energy, and the fact that he's kinda clumsy. Having said that, Nick's grown up a lot in the last year.

AJ: He's just always goofing around and pulling pranks on the rest of us. I guess you could say he's the real joker of the band.

Brian: Nick's like the baby brother I never had. I look out for him and help him in any way I can. The funny thing about Nick is he's a really bad loser, and gets seriously angry when I beat him at Nintendo. On the whole, I'd say he's really mature for 17.

Howie: Nick's really hyper and bursting with energy - apart from the first thing in the morning, when he's really moody! But we forgive him, and the whole Nick's just Nintendo-crazy. Or is that just plain crazy?!


Nick: OK, I admit I am a bit of Nintendo freak. I'm majorly into sport, action and adventure games, and so if I can't play basketball at a hotel, at least I can sorta play it with Nintendo. What else am I supposed to do? I don't have many friends.... Only these guys. (Aww!)
