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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Interview with Hitkrant (June 1999)

Do you have many friends outside the Backstreet Boys?

Nick: "Yes, a few good ones too."

Is it still possible to make new friends now your so popular?

Nick: "It makes it a bit harder because I don't know whom to trust. It's hard to know why somebody wants to be friends with me. Do they like me for me or because they like me for being a Backstreet Boy."

Are you good at judging people?

Nick: "Well, I think I see when somebody likes me for 'Nick Carter the Backstreet Boy' or when somebody is really honest to me. I'm a friendly guy and I want to make new friends all the time. People who take advantage of that is something that belongs with fame I guess."

You're living on your own aren't you?

Nick: "Yeah! It's a little strange, still a bit weird. I got a lot more responsiblility that I don't need right now. But I can be really responsible if I have to of course!"

What do you miss the most when you're away from home?

Nick: "The peace. I don't live far away from my family. I live in a little place, I like that. I don't like big city's much, they're too big and too busy! I love the ocean, I live close to the sea. I just bought a boat and I attend to use it many times."

What else do you do when you're not working?

Nick: "Just the usual things like basketball, other sports and video games."

When you were under 18 your mother used to go with you everywhere. Do you miss that?

Nick: "I was just talking about that with someone. I realized that I'd almost forgot it! I guess I'm used to living without my parents. Not that I don't miss them!!"

Last year had to been hard for you. Brian got his surgery. Was it harder for you being so close to Brian?

Nick: "It was really hard, without a doubt. I don't like thinking about it. There were so many things that could have go wrong. It still hits me when I think about that. I was there for him and I knew that he would be alright."

What is the biggest misunderstanding that people got when it comes to you?

Nick: "People always judge me. They always have things to say about these little things that don't even matter. Like my weight or my hair. People always act like they know how I should look and behave."

Isn't it hard to stay yourself?

Nick: "Not really, I'm just me. There isn't much difference between Nick Backstreet and Nick Carter. But sometimes I feel bad because of all the negative criticism. I went online one time and there were a few girls chatting about my weight. I couldn't believe it! What does it matter that I don't got a bodybuilders figure? I don't like to be the typical boyband boy. I'm not like that, I don't do things because other people expect that from me. I just stay the same and hope that people like me. If they don't, too bad... I'm not going to change for anyone!"

Last question, name five words that describe you.

Nick: "Quiet, fun, real, unpredictable and nice!"
