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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Questions With Nick

What do you think when you look in the mirror?

Nick: "I hate mirrors! I always try to get passed them without looking in them. Why should I look at myself all the time, that's so boring. There are so many other things in this world where I can look at."

Which 'beauty tips' would you give to boys of your age?

Nick: "Beauty tips? Don't be silly! I'm just me, I don't use any lotions or other stuff on my face. The best tip is: don't smoke, don't drink and stay happy."

Which part of your body would you like to change?

Nick: "My ears, they are to big. Really!"

Were you already this cute when you were a baby?

Nick: "I think It's hard to say that about myself. My family used to call me Bobby Brown because my head was so big and I didn't have any hair. My mother thought I was cute but that's of course because she's my mother. She's so proud. Whenever I take a girl home with me she shows baby pictures of. That's so embarrassing!

Don't you think it's weird that so many girls are in love with you?

Nick: "It's flattering but I don't understand a thing of it! I hope they like me because of my character and my voice. If they like me because of my looks then it's wrong.

How do you hit on a girl?

Nick: "I don't! I've never done it. If I like a girl then I ignore her. I'm too shy to go to her and talk with her. I always wait untill she comes to me."

If you were totally in love with someone, would you let her win a Nintendo game?

Nick: "Gee, I don't know. Maybe when she's really special but probably not."

Your not a big romantic aren't you?

Nick: "I don't know....I haven't had time to do romantic stuff but who knows, maybe I'm a really romantic when I have a girlfriend!"
