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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Complete The Sentences

superstars: The worst date I ever went on was when....

Nick: ...I was sitting with this girl and a boy wanted to fight me. I didn't want to fight.

superstars: How much time do you give a romantic relationship to work?

Nick: ...Long, long, long time!

superstars: Has anyone broken your heart?

Nick: ...No

superstars:What are your best dating tips?

Nick: ...Just be yourself!

superstars: I'd stay home if I thought I could...

superstars: I hope I never have to...

Nick: ...Eat caviar

superstars: You would never believe it if you saw me...

Nick: ...decked in scuba gear and diving!

superstars: My all-time biggest-ever food binge happend when...

Nick: ...My parents weren't around and I could eat all that I wanted one night. I cleaned out the fridge!

superstars: If I was on a desert island, I would want these three things...

Nick: ...My regulator, my scuba tank, food.

superstars: Why is your best friend "best"?

Nick: ...Because he cares about me.

superstars: How did you know he or she would be a best friend?

Nick: ...Because he calls. If he sees me in a commercial, he'll call me and be all excited! We've been friends along time!

superstars: Have ever written a poem?

Nick: ...Yes!

superstars: Do you draw?

Nick: ...No.

superstars: What's your favorite ice cream?

Nick: ...Chocolate-chip cookie dough.

superstars: What's one thing you won't leave home without?

Nick: ...My shoes?

superstars: Where do you go for privacy?

Nick: ...The Islands off Tampa Bay.

superstars: What do you hate to shop for?

Nick: ...Anything my mom likes.
