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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Big! Star Boy '97

Nick, what have been the highlights of your year?
"1997 has been a very good year for me cos the Backstreet Boys have won a lot of awards. We've accomplished a lot and releasing our album in the States was a real achievement. There's been so much good stuff. We won the viwers choice at the MTV Awards again which was brilliant. That was one of the best things we've received this year."

What else sticks in your mind?
"There was an award ceremony in Spain with a lot of big bands there and we won an award. It was great to be in the same place as all these bands that have been around for years. We always run into people we never thought we'd meet. We see the Spice Girls all the time, but meeting Queen and Aerosmith in Spain was like meeting legends. Making the Backstreet's Back video was very interesting as well, especially as that vid was basically my idea."

What haven't you enjoyed about 1997?
"Being away from home for such a long time. The longest I've been without even setting my foot in my house is four months. Whenever I get home I play basketball with my friends - I have a hoop in the garden. I play with Aaron as well and I've been coaching my little sister Lesley, who's 10. She's just joined a team."

What else have you been doing this year that you're proud of?
"Me and Brian wrote a song for my little brother Aaron which will be on his album. Brian gets along really well with Aaron, all the Backstreet Boys love him. He's pretty hyper around them and they sometimes get annoyed with him cos he'[s always doing cartwheels everywhere. But he's only nine. As well as writing songs for Aaron we've all written songs for the next album which will be out next year."

Is there anything else you're looking forward to?
"We're going to put together a world tour. Performing is very interesting and one of my favourite things. We're looking forward to putting together a smashing show."

Would you like to have a girlfriend next year?
"Who knows? If I could go out with any celebrities I have a few choices. I'm kind of attracted to the singer Fiona Apple. Also Christina Ricci is really fine, I've always had a crush on her. I used to like Sharon Stone but I don't like her anymore. I think she's a little too old for me. I kind of liked Alicia Silverstone but I don't like her anymore either."

What would make 1998 special for you?
"One of the things for me and the guys is to become legends one day. I think we just wanna be respected but we're not up to that point yet. It's cos there are so many boy bands at the moment."

So are you pleased to be a BIG! star of '97
"That's kind of surprising. I don't know what to say - I'm lost for words."
