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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick Carter - Backseat Boy

He may stomp around the stage singing 'Get Down.. You Are The One For Me' but this Backstreet Boy would never dream of saying the words to a girl's face. Shy 16-year-old Nick takes a back seat and asks the other guys to do the asking..

How do you act around girls you fancy?

"I go all shy, and I'm too scared to talk to them. My face doesn't go red, not really. To a certain extent, I guess."

Do you really ask the other guys to ask girls out for you?

"Sometimes, if I really fancy the girl. They go over and tell the girl I like them and they ask her to come over. Sometimes the girls say, 'Well if he wants to ask me out, he should come over and ask me himself'.

Do they ever get jealous of the attention you get from fans?

"I know I'm the fans' favorite. That's probably because I'm the young, cute one. I'm also the blond in the band. I think my hair is the best part of my body, because of the color. But being youngest is cool. I love getting fan mail but I don't go bragging about it to the other guys. I don't say, 'Hey look, I've got more fan mail than you.' I'd never do that."

Do they give you advice about snogging?

"Sometimes I'll go to Kevin or Howie. We don't really have time right now for girls. Back home we dated around, but not now."

Was your first snog weird or wonderful?

"It was wonderful. I wasn't scared. Some of the thoughts going through my mind were, 'Maybe I'm not doing it right' and 'Maybe the girl won't like it'. The girl didn't swoon, but she didn't say she didn't like it."

When and how did you first learn about sex?

"Probably at school. You pick things up in the playground and they also teach sex education in the class in America. I didn't really play attention to it; it was too embarrassing."

Do you ever wish you weren't the weeny one out of the group?

"Sometimes, I guess. I've just turned 16 years old and I'm the youngest in the group, but I'm taller than three of the guys, so I'm not so weeny. I come from a big family - there's five of us! I'm the oldest - the twins Aaron and Angel are eight. Lesley's eleven and my other sister B.J. is 14. It's weird because I'm the youngest in the group but I'm the oldest in my family."

What kind of girl are you looking for?

"It doesn't really matter. Any kind. I'm not really particular. I like very down-to-earth, homely girls."

What do you find lovable about girls?

"Their personalities are what I like the best; a girl I can be friends with as well as going out. It's sometimes good to have a girl with attitude, but not too much. I don't like girls who give you lip."

What would be an ideal date?

"Probably to hang out at the beach. I'd go at night, but I wouldn't skinny dip. No way!"

If your girlfriend was wearing something that didn't flatter her figure, would you tell her?

"I'd probably say, 'Look, I don't want to upset you, but that doesn't suit you'. Girls should be themselves and not try to be something they're not."

If the other guys in the group didn't like your girlfriend, would you dump her?

"I don't think so."

Would you get down on your knees for a girl and ask her to marry you?

"If I cared about her, yeah. I would in the future but not now. I'm not really thinking about marriage and kids, maybe sometimes in the future."

Do you ever get lonely in bed at night and wish you had a girlfriend up to cuddle to?

"No. I mean, I get lonely, but not to go that far. I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

Have any fans ever tried to sneak into your hotel room?

"I haven't found any yet. They have been good so far. I always go down to the lobby, greet the fans, say hi and hang out with them for a while. I'm a really friendly person and I'm still awe of this whole fan worship thing."
