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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Transcript of Nick on TRL (March 2000)

Carson: Hi Nick what's up?

Nick: Um, I think we're in Cleveland

Carson: Oh, so you think you're in Cleveland?

Nick: Yeah, I think, we just got here (laughs)

Carson: Uh, how's the tour going Nick?

Nick: It's going really good. We just got done doin', we were just in St. Lois and uh, we did the St. Lois dome and I don't know, you know were the rams play?

Carson: Yeah

Nick: We sold it out, it was pretty good

Carson: That's awesome and so what's it like to stand up there in such a big arena and have every one go nuts for you?

Nick: It's a it's incredible I mean it's just incredible just to have so many fans to come out and see you and everything and have that much fun and be able to play at a stadium, or a radio like that.

Carson: Hey Nick, let's talk about this Backstreet Boys contest, uh, well you guys are actually going to let TRL fans pick your next release. How do you feel about this idea? You cool with this?

Nick: Yeah, um, it was actually, it was our idea we um, I mean we figured you know why not, you know, why not let the fans you know, have a chance to be involved in something that is really kind of basically what they are, what they do it's like it's, it's them.

Carson: And I applaud you for that. Not a lot of people realize the amount of energy that goes into this type of, you know, releasing the next singles. Usually a big fight between somebody at the record company and somebody marketing so that's actually very cool that your doing that.

Nick: Oh, yeah

Carson: Lets look, Nick, at so far here's how it looks uh, if this were out today your fans would like to see "Don't Want You Back" to be your next single with 44% of the votes, "It's Gotta Be You" is at 30%. These are actually a little bit tighter of a race if you would look then from yesterday, and "The One" got 27%. Out of those 3 is there one that you would have a preference of just personally of the top of your head?

Nick: Um, Yeah, I mean we were basically we were throwing around ideas for like videos and stuff like that and um, and maybe this might persuade them to change their mind but um, "I'll Be The One" is the one that I was thinking about and I think the other guys like, we were thinking about maybe doing like an, um, kind of like an old western video.

Carson: Right

Nick: Kinda like blazing saddles or somethin'

Carson: but either way, uh, you'll get to it eventually so...

Nick: Yeah well, Yeah eventually, but I mean either way were gonna make the next video you know...

Carson: Right, Yeah

Nick: ... as soon as we possibly can (laughs)

Carson: Yeah well, Nick, you know what we'll do on Friday we'll give you the results and since you came up with this idea it's really out of your hands, it up to the TRL fans so Friday we'll have the result.

Nick: Yup!

Carson: So, it was a pleasure speaking to you Nick. Good luck in Cleveland.

Nick: Hey, thanks man.

Carson: Alright, say hi to the rest of the boys for us

(Audience starts screaming)

Nick: Alright, thank you

Carson: Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys. Let's get into their video, its at #2 "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" BSB is on TRL.
