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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Ladies, Fans, Body

Would you let your lady borrow your clothes?

Nick: I reckon it'd be kinda nice if I was real close to her.

Is it possible just to be good friends with a girl?

Nick: Yeah. I meet a lot of girls when we're travelling and I make friends with some. Then when we go back to that country I call them up for a chat.

Do you always meet the fans who hang around your hotel?

Nick: Only today we had some trouble. When we came out of the hotel and stopped to say: "Hi", we saw one of our security guards get knocked over! If it was up to me, I'd be outside with the fans and I'd let them jump on top of us but it isn't safe.

Why won't you bare your fit body when the rest of the guys do?

Nick: Ahem, no comment to that one, I'm afraid. I like to keep something for myself!
