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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick Talks About Aaron And BSB

OK, if you could write the questions what would you kick off with?

Nick: Something on Nintendo. "If you could make your own Nintendo game what would it be like?" Then this is how I'd answer it: "I'd probably base a game on the comic I've drawn and it'd involve the characters I've based on each of the guys."

Nick, what's it like touring with Aaron?

Nick: Well, basically he's a little, blond, 10-year-old dancing and singing fool. I love him loads and he's my little brother, so we have fun.

He's actually getting ready to release his album over here (ie. in the US), and I'm planning to write some songs for his next album too. Do you still give him advice?

Nick: Sure. The fact is, I've been through a lot, especially as I've been with the group since the age of 12. So why not pass on a little bit of what I know and lead him past all the rocky roads? Hahaha!

How do you avoid all those rock 'n' roll temptations on tour?

Nick: (laughing) There's definitely been a lot of temptations, but I think the fact that we come from wholesome families and are really well-minded makes it easy for us to separate right from wrong. It's never been that bad a problem for us.
