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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Q n A

What happens when you get bummed out on the road, who do you go to?

Nick: We consider ourselves brothers, so anything a family of brothers would do, is what we would do.

Do you guys play practical jokes on each other?

Nick: I do!... I haven't been able to pull them off lately, because they know all my tricks! I usually do like itching powder and stuff.

Was there ever anything that happened on-stage that just cracked you guys up?

Nick: We had a situation one time, where Kevin slipped on a pack of ciggarettes that a fan threw up. It's funny because he just got back up, but there was a time when Howie fell off the stage... It was an accident, but I pushed him.

Do you have nicknames for each other?

Nick: They call me 'Chaos' just 'cause I am chaos!

Do you travel well, sitting on a plane for 24 hours?

Nick: No, I hate flying!

Are you superstitious about flying?

Nick: No, I just hate it, just plain hate flying. No superstitions.

If you're not working, what time do you get up? Nick: 1:00 in the afternoon!

Do you watch daytime TV at all? Nick: I can't stand soaps. I can't stand game shows...

When you committed to the band, did you know it was going to be this kind of committment?

Nick: Actually, when we started this up, we thought it was just going to be a fun thing right now ...everything we do is like, 'Am I really here? Am I really doing this? Are these people really here doing a video for us?' Sometimes you wonder why.

So you didn't think there was this much work involved?

Nick: Nah, we didn't. We thought you sign a contract, here's your pay for five years and you're set!

But it's not like that, it's a lot of work... and a lot of people from the outside don't realize how much you have to work...

Do you vote on everything as a group?

Nick: We have a democracy.

How do you feel about wearing make-up on-stage?

Nick: I hate make-up, never wear it on-stage! Sweat it off!

What's your favorite chewing gum?

Nick: It's called Big League Chew--and it's the purple kind!

What happens to the hundreds of stuffed animal that the fans throw on stage at every BSB concert?

Nick: We give most of the stuffed animals to the children's department in various hospitals in the country where we're performing. They always tell the kids that they were given to the Backstreet Boys by the fans, and the children are usually very happy with that. So you see all ends well. We are very honored that we get so many gifts, because of course it doesn't end at stuffed animals. We get everything. A little while ago we even got beautiful watches, and we kept those ourselves! Of course we don't give everything to the hospitals. Sometimes we keep a stuffed animal ourselves when it looks different, because all of us have a beautiful collection. Of course the fans don't know which ones we keep or which we give away. It's a lottery. Only it never becomes known who won. But maybe that is a good thing...
