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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Girls, Girls, Girls

So, Nick, do you get really mushy about Valentine's Day?

Nick:, not really. Sadly I've never had a really romantic Valentine's Day. Probably because I've never had a nice girl to share it with. I'm usually pretty lucky though and I get loads of cards and presents from fans.

So are you still searching for a girlfriend at the moment?

Nick: Oh, you never know! The thing is, I spend so much time working. We're always too busy travelling and performing so it wouldn't really be fair to start seeing someone when we're going off all over the world.

If you were going out with a girl, what romantic gift would you buy her?

Nick: I'd get her the biggest, cutest teddy bear I could find, or maybe bring her all the flowers I can carry. Also I think spending time with someone is a very precious gift. I don't get a lot of free time so I'd give her a lot of time with me!

Which girls do you prefer - English or Americans?

Nick: Oh, there's no competition - I like them both the same! I quite like it if a girl's a little bit older than me too.

Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?

Nick: No, never. I've seen girls who I think look fine, but falling in love is a very different thing.

Nick: Who's my ideal girlfriend? My dream date is someone like Alicia Silverstone or Jennifer Love Hewitt, but I've never met them.

Has anyone ever broken your heart?

Nick: No, but I've never really had a proper girlfriend so I haven't experienced a proper broken heart. In high school I used to have crushes on all the pretty girls in my class, but they weren't interested in me. They only liked the guys who did loads of sport and stuff...
