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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Into The Millennium...

Nick, what would you love to invent for the millennium?

A non-expensive way to generate drinking water from the ocean. There's plenty there! We don't understand how to use the Earth's natural resources properly. People should live with the environment instead of building all over it and tearing it down.

Nick, is there a major political cause you'll be championing this year?

I try not to get too involved in political stuff to that extent. People should learn from their mistakes 'cos if you try to tell them what to do, they won't listen. It's like trying to teach a frog to say hello, you know what I'm saying?

Nick, what will you start collecting for the millennium?

I've been collecting old Nintendo games just recently. The first Nintendos are much more fun than the newer ones. It's like the movies. You can only come up with so many good stories before they get all played out.

What would you put in a time capsule to represent you as a person, not a pop star?

Nick: A lock of my hair

Where will the Backstreet Boys be on Millennium New Year's Eve?

Nick: We're all hoping to be home with our families. I'm going to be in Tampa, I don't care what people think but I'd rather be safe just in case. The Millennium Bug. It's very logical. If you've studied about it and know what it is about you'll believe that it can happen. I'm not talking about planes falling out of the sky, but computers crashing. Maybe other things too. But as long as I'm with people I love then things will be cool.
