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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick and Aaron By Mom

How similar are Aaron and Nick?

They're both so messy for starters, and they're always leaving their dirty socks strewn all over the floor! They are very good about doing their chores though. Aaron takes the trash out and Nick runs errands for me in his car, which he enjoys doing so it's not really hard work for him! I try to encourage them to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables but they're always begging for candy. Obviously I can't watch Nick every second of the day, but I can always tell when he's been eating too many sweets!

Any glaring differences?

It's funny because both boys love the adulation they receive from big crowds, but Nick's quite shy off-stage whereas Aaron's more outgoing. Nick's a little more cautious about meeting new people but Aaron ploughs straight in there and says 'Hi!' He's a real attention-seeker. I think that comes from being the youngest child.

Tell us about their school days....'

When Nick was five, I remember him coming home at the end of his first week clutching a bunch of love letters. I mean these were from girls that could barely write! As for Aaron, well, he loves to be babied. His twin sister Angel is always trying to mother him, so shortly after they started kindergarten the teachers had to put them in separate classes.

What's the best thing they've ever done for you?

Last Christmas Nick got me the sweetest present. He took all his gold necklaces to a special jewellers and had them melted down into a ring. It has five gems set into it, one for each of my children. Aaron's very protective and he tries to look out for me. He's always looking at me and saying, 'Mum are you tired?' and 'Are you feeling OK today?'

...And the naughtiest thing!

Nick recently got mad at Aaron and broke his Ninja Turtle. He totally smashed it up! And Aaron and his sister Leslie really made me angry. They popped out to the corner-store without telling me. I was very upset and grounded them both!

What's the first thing they do when they get home?

Nick likes to sleep a lot but first he has to mess up his whole room. There'll be baseball cards, Nintendo games and clothes everywhere within minutes. Aaron prefers to get his cast net out and go fishing. Oh and ride his motorbike of course. For a whole month over Christmas I woke up at six in the morning to here "Vrrrooom, vrrrooom" outside my bedroom window. I'd think, 'Oh no, there goes Aaron again!'

What do they do that really makes you smile?

Whenever Nick sees me he smiles and says (in high squeaky voice) 'Mama!' Aaron's forever doing cart-wheels - that makes me laugh. He's a charmer too and good at changing the subject when he thinks he's in trouble. It's kinda cute 'cause he thinks he's pulling a fast one. Oh, I could go on forever...Let's just say I'm really proud of them both.
