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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

What Would You Do?

We ask you to edit BIG! magazine for the day. Who do you put on the cover?
Aaaah, I'm a secret rocker so I'd put either Metallica or Nirvana on the cover. I love rock music and I'm always listening to it on my Walkman after our shows. It would make a change for BIG! wouldn't it?

You're at a showbiz party with the Spice Girls when Emma and Geri beg you for a snog. Who do you choose?
That's a toughie. I couldn't choose between those two 'cos I'd be scared of what the other one would do to me. I guess I'd have to kiss them both. But it would be on the cheek, haha. I have a lot of respect for the Spice Girls, I think they're really good on what they do. They're also a lot of fun and I like that. Do I fancy them? Um, no I can't say I do. Am I scared of them? Yeah, but then isn't everybody!

You're on stage when you fall flat on your face. Do you laugh it off or do you pretend it never happened?
I'd laugh definitely. It's happened to me so many times and I've learned that you have to make a big thing out of it or you end up feeling really dumb. Last week I had a rose thrown at me which hit me in the eye and I just cracked up laughing. The fans laughed too and so did the rest of the band which was lucky.

You hear a juicy piece of gossip about a rival boy band. Who do you tell?
We hear gossip all the time but mostly it's not true. We recently heard Boyzone were splitting up and we were like, 'Wow!' But then it turned out to be a load of old rubbish. Rumors go around all the time but we don't pay attention to them. We don't gossip together - basically we're not that interested. Gossip can get dangerous sometimes.

What would happen if your dream woman, Christina Ricci, offered you a hot date as you were about to get your highest score on the Nintendo?
Arrgh, what a question! I'd ask her to wait while I finished the game and then I'd take her out. I'd say to her, 'You just sit down and watch me play,' and then I'd be nice to her. I guess I only go for girls who like computer games because it's such a big part of my life. I've just bought Nintendo 64 and I'm really into it. In fact it's all I do.

Could you take on any pop star at Nintendo and win?
There's always someone out there who's better than me. I'm not the best Nintendo player in the world. I know that Ultimate Kaos can beat the crud out of me at Virtual Fighter. There was also this fan in Japan who took me on and made me look like a beginner.

What would you rather do - pose nude for Playgirl or have all your hair shaved off?
I'm sorry but I wouldn't do either of them. I couldn't even pretend to make a choice because it would never be an issue. I'd rather run away than deal with it.

You're asked to perform a duet with the Spice Girls, Boyzone or Oasis. Who do you choose?
Wow, that's a hard decision. We'd love to do a ballad with Liam and Noel Gallagher, that would be cool. I don't think we'd ever do a duet with Boyzone - it would be a bit weird for the fans. But you should never turn anything down should you? I think we'd do a duet with the Spice Girls if we could agree on the music.

You've fancied Brian's girlfriend for ages when she tries it on with you backstage. Would you snog her and keep quiet or tell her to get lost?
I wouldn't kiss her simply because I am so close to Brian and he'd never forgive me. Would I tell him what she'd done? Yeah, I think I probably would. Has something like that ever happened to me? No, not yet anyway.

Your manager asks you to wear a pair of cheeky see-through trousers on stage. Do you do it?
Nope. No way. Never in a million years. Yuk! Why not? Because I hate clothes like that. I'm more of a jeans and sweater guy. We all decide as a group what we're going to wear and none of us would ever show off our bodies like that. How embarrassing!

You're offered the lead role in a Steven Spielberg movie as long as you leave the Backstreet Boys forever. Do you do it?
I would never walk out of the Backstreet Boys. If Steven Spielberg was desperate for me to make a movie I'd ask the rest of the boys if I could take a six-month break from the band. If they said yes I'd do it but if they said no I wouldn't. I'd like to be an actor but only after the Backstreet Boys have finished and we're all doing solo things. Do you know what my dream job would be? I'd love to star in the next Alien movie. I wanna shoot loads of aliens.

Ant and Dec review your latest single and say it's a load of old rubbish. Do you confront them or ignore it?
Hey, people have their own opinions about things and you have to respect that. But at the same time you should never let their feelings stop you from doing what you want. I take everything in magazines with a pinch of salt. I'm a very laid-back guy.
