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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

The Boys On Nick

How would you describe Nick to someone who's never met him?
A.J.: He's, like, a really cool kid, and although he's going to be 18 soon I'd say he's very young at heart. He's so full of life and fun to be around.

What do you think girls like most about him?
A.J.: I think his popularity has got a lot to do with being the baby of the group, and generally his whole attitude. I think the girls really dig his personality.
Kevin: His hair and smile, I think, and the fact he's the youngest. They must like his voice, too - he's got a really great voice.

How do you know when Nick's in a bad mood?
A.J.: He's got really defensive. If you say, 'Guys, why did you this or that,' he'll say, 'Why are you saying that, I didn't do it,' and I'll be like, 'I'm talking to everybody, not just you. Why are you getting defensive - did you do it?!'

What's been Nick's most embarrassing moment?
Howie: Probably one time on stage when he went to do a kip-up, which is a trick where you're lying on your back and you flip yourself up, and he didn't make it right the way up. He didn't hurt himself, it just didn't look very good!

If you can't find Nick, where's the first place you'd look for him?
A.J.: In his room - playing Nintendo of course!
Kevin: He'd be in his room playing Nintendo, or at a basketball court somewhere shooting hoops, or eating!

Would Nick be a good boyfriend?
A.J.: Maybe not now, but eventually. He's still too young to take it seriously. Perhaps I should ask one of his ex-girlfriends. 'What happened, why didn't it last?!' They probably say, 'He loved his Nintendo more than he loved me!'

What does Nick worry about?
Brian: Probably losing his childhood. He misses things like playing sports in high school, things like that. I share stories about my past with him to kinda help him relive what it's like to have had a more normal life. It's hard 'cause he wants to stay as young as he can for as long as he can., but it's tough 'cause of what we do.

What famous person would you compare Nick to?
Brian: Probably someone like Val Kilmer or maybe Kurt Kobain, if he was still alive and have had a long career. Boy, they're two really different people, aren't they? I think Nick'll blossom into a whole lot of different things.

Where would you take Nick for a birthday surprise?
Brian: I'd get him courtside seats for a Chicago Bulls basketball game. They're his favorite team.
Kevin: I'd take him to a computer store and let him buy a couple of video games - he loves them. Or I'd take him to an NBA basketball game - he's totally into that.

Is Nick good person to confide in?
Brian: Yes, we're real close - you know us, Frick and Frack! We're probably the closest out of the lot so we do a lot of talking. He confides in me and I confide in him - you know it will never leave the room.
