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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Sharing His Success

So how was it being back in the UK on tour?
(Laughs) We always like coming to the UK, and we hadn't been over for a while, so it was great to be back to perform to our fans here. We always get the best response from you guys!  I just want to thank our fans for their huuuge support too - it means a lot to us.

How come you don't visit blighty that oftem, don't you like the food or something?
Of course we like the food! Especially fish'n'chips! In fact, recently we went to this excellent fish restaurant and had a huge fish'n'chip supper. Howie squirted the ketchup squeezer too hard, and it went all up the wall! Any how, the reason we're not here so much is 'cause we've been trying to catch up with the rest of the world, y'know? And it takes a little while to spread the word about the Backstreet Boys across the globe!

In the states are you still the kings of pop?
Errr, I guess that's a description that doesn't mean much to us. The way we look at is that we're just doing our own thing, and if other people like us then that's fantastic! I dunno how popular we are, to be honest.

What do you think of bands like "'NSYNC"?
It's great to be able to open the doors for groups like them 'cause they're a great bunch of guys, y'know? And we wish them all the success in the world, but it's not our kinda music, really, but they're great at what they do!

The BSB's have got a V. clean living reputation, is that hard to live up to?
We don't think we're especially clean living, y'know? Just 'cause we're in a band doesn't mean we're not normal people. We love having fun and messing about, like you guys at L&K! We know how to do it the right way, that's all.

Have you been to any Ker-Ay-Zee showbiz parties recently?
We've been very, very busy, especially with the tour, so there hasn't been a lot of time for partying. I don't like partying too much anyway. I prefer a quiet night in, just chillin' on my own or with friends. I'm into relaxing big-time at the mo' 'cause we've been working so hard!

But a young fella-me-lad like you should be out on the Razzie-Dazzie!
Well, we travel about so much that you end up just appreciating your privacy and the comfort of being at home. Besides, as you lot at L&K already know, there' s someone very special in my life who I'm dating right now...

Yup, we know! So, how's it going with your girlfriend?
(Looks all coy and twinkly eyed) Yeah, pretty good, I guess. It's not really a big secret who she is, but I'm not ready to talk to the world about it yet! It's nice to keep some things kinda personal, y'know? She is involved in music, I'll tell you that much... now let's change the subject, if you don't mind!

Oh alright then! Are you investing all your pop star dosh sensibly?
Yeah, I'm being sensible with my money and I've made a few small investments here and there. Not so much in property, though, like Howie. I'm trying not to waste money on things that I don't really need, and to be a bit wise with any money that I make.

How much longer do you reckon BSB will keep going?
Well, everybody says there's a limit on how long bands like us can carry on, but it just depends on what we want to do. At the end of the day, it's our decision when we call it a day. If we keep a clear mind about it and communicate with each other, it'll carry on being great for ages! I don't see anything wrong with still performing when we're grandads! Just 'cause you're 50 or 60 years old, doesn't mean you can't still entertain people!
