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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Leslie Talks To Teenmag

Sheesh - there must've been something in the water at the Carter household! First, of course, there was Nick - heartthrob extraordinaire of the hugely, insanely popular Backstreet Boys, then along came little bro Aaron - kick-butt singer in his own right who is a big big star in Europe and is currently making quite a name for himself on these shores...NOW, just when you thought the Carters had used up their talented gene pool... along comes 13 year-old wunderkind, Leslie.

Teen Online caught up with Leslie recently for a brain picking session and when picking a brain it's always best to begin with something embarrassing:

TO: Give us an entry for our WHY ME section.. a really embarrassing moment.

LC: When I was seven I entered a diving contest at summer camp. There were about 200 people watching the competition. I ran up to the diving board and slipped, fell backwards and landed SPLAT in the water! I was so embarrassed.

TO: If you could only eat "one thing" for the rest of your life what would it be? And why?

LC: The one thing I would eat is macaroni & cheese because it's one of my favorite foods of all time (and because I know that I shouldn't eat it very often). So yeah, macaroni & cheese please!

TO: Which female singers have influenced you the most?

LC: I like Faith Hill and Celine Dion but neither one of them influenced me because I knew I wanted to be a singer when I was eleven. TO: In what way have your brothers inspired you?

LC: My brothers inspire me in many ways -- They inspire me to be a good person as well as a singer.

TO: Tell us about some of your upcoming projects

LC: Well, my first single, "I Need To Hear It," comes out next month and my new CD will be out this summer. In July I'm going out on the Nickelodeon tour.

TO: What's it like to collaborate with a song writer?

LC: I chose all the songs on my new CD but didn't write any for this project. But I do love to write songs and I hope to write some for my next album.

OK,. Times up, Leslie's gotta run. And you should run too and check out her new single for yourself. It's got a groove that makes ya wanna move your booty to the beat that makes ya move your feet and gets ya snappin' your fingers and puts the boogey in the - SORRY - lost it there for a sec.
