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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick Carter: The Cute One

Do you ever get sick of being labelled 'the cute one'?

Er, I dunno, really. I don't really think about it. I suppose it is a little bit embarassing these days 'cos I've grown up a lot, especially in the last year. Aaron's cuter, though!

Is it difficult being youngest in the group?

Sometimes it's though when we're on the road. I mean, Kevin's seven years older than me and there are times when you can really notice the age difference. We're like brothers and we're together a lot, so naturally we do fight, but that's nothing to do with my age.

It sounds as though if you were to fight with anyone it'd be Kevin - is that true?

(Thinks for a bit) Actually, I probably argue more with B-Rok but that's usually just competitive stuff about basketball or computer games. Kevin's more serious than me, so sometimes if I'm messing about, he thinks I'm not interested and he'll get a little uptight. Nothing too bad, though.

How do you compe with the pressures of fame?

I dunno. (Looks puzzled) You become accustomed to it over the years, so you don't really think about it. This is all I've known for the past five years. We've all just adapted gradually, so it doesn't seem like something to be coped with. It just feels like life - a pretty strange life at times!

Have you ever felt like quitting the Backstreet Boys?

No way. The guys in the group are my best friends!

You're quit a shy person - do you enjoy photoshoots?

Yeah, having your photograph taken is like acting in a way. When the photographer tells you to smile, you have to smile, and sometimes if you're not feeling in a good mood you have to find strength from deep inside. Shoots can be fun too, 'cos sometimes they make you do weird things.

Are you comfortable with the way you look in photographs?

I don't know. I'm not too pleased with some photos, but you're always going to be your own worst critic, aren't you? Sometimes you see photos you like and think 'Wow, that looks good!' or 'Oh no, I look terrible!' It depends, though - sometimes pictures can make you look better, like if you've got a zit. What's the saying? Pictures are worth a thousand words... or something like that, hahaha!

What don't you like being asked about in interviews?

I don't know. Just personal stuff, nothing specific. I don't really like talking about my family back home, but that's about it.

Oops, you might not like this next one, then! Do you think Aaron is too young to become a pop star?!

No, 'cos he loves it. If he didn't, he wouldn't be doing it. No-one's forcing him, and my mom's always there to look after him. He's a great little singer and a good dancer, so it's right that he should be where he is. He's doing really well and I'm really proud of him.

Having been a child star yourself, what kind of problems could Aaron face?

Homesickness could be the biggest. But right now, either mom or dad travels with him on tour, so he's OK.

Have you been able to help him much?

Yeah, whenever I've been able. When we're together, he's mostly likes to play, but we do talk about music, and Brian and I co-wrote a song on his album. (That's the song Ain't That Cute, Aaron fans!)

Do you ever feel like you missed out on any part of your childhood?

No, I just had a different childhood from most kids. But it's been a lot of fun. I may have missed out on a few things along the way, but I've also travelled around the world - not many people of my age can say they've done that, can they?

Howie says the most rock 'n' roll thing he's ever done is had his ears pierced - are you tempted to do the same?

No, I wouldn't get an earring, but I would get a tattoo. It would be cool to get a tattoo. My dad has two tattoos. My dad has two tattoos - I'd like something like that. What would I have done? I'd like a tattoo of the sun right on my back.

Do you like girls with tattoos?

Yeah, I do. It depends on where they are and who's wearing them, but yeah, they can look cute.

What about pierced belly buttons on girls - do they do anything for you?

Yeah, I think they're cool too.

What kind of clothes do you like a girl to wear?

I like a girl to dress casual, I like things like jeans and a T-shirt or whatever... some kind of top. Just casual, y'know?

Would you date someone older than yourself?

(Laughing) Oh yeah. Well, a little older, like 19 or 20, or something.

What's the most romantic thing a girl has ever done for you?

Romantic? Erm, one girl bought me a Chicago Bulls jersey. What's the most romantic thing I've ever done? I dunno. Taken her to Burger King, hahaha! I don't know - it's been a long time.

Which is worse - being dumped or having to dump someone?

Being dumped by someone is worse. If you really like a girl and she just goes.... that's horrible.

Have you ever had your heart broken heart, then?

Not exactly. When I was at school, I used to look at the pretty girls and wish they'd go out with me, but they were only interested in the cool guys who were really into sport. I wasn't very popular in school, because of my singing and acting and stuff. The girls just didn't want to know.

How did that make you feel?

It hurt, I guess.

How has it affected you?

Well, now the first thing I look for in girls is a good heart. Looks definitely come second. It taught me not to judge people by the way they look - it's what inside that counts.

Who do you talk to when it all gets a bit too much?

Well, I'm pretty close to Brian, so he's good for that. And sometimes I'll turn to Howie because he's a great listener too and he's never judgemental.

What's the difference between Nick Carter and Nick Backstreet?

(Shyly) Nick Backstreet lives on stage, in front of a camera or in a recording studio. I guess the real me is a little more reserved off stage. Sometimes the two do cross-over, though and Nick Carter is hoping to write some songs for Nick Backstreet in the next couple of years, hahaha.

Where do you see yourself in ten years' time?

Hopefully doing the same thing with the same bunch of guys, and hopefully still making great records too.

Would you let your children go into showbiz?

If that was what they wanted and they had the talent, yeah, of course I would. How could I say no when it's what I've done?

Do you have a message for the Smash Hits readers?

See you on the tour! If you couldn't get hold of tickets for this one, make sure you come to the next. It's gonna be great and we can't wait to see you all!
