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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

What The Backstreet Boys REALLY Think Of 'N SYNC!

L&K: What do you really think of 'N SYNC?

Nick: Ah well, I think it's kind of inevitable that people compare us but I don't think of them necessarily as, you know, competition. We're doing our thing and they're doing theirs.

Kevin: I think it is inevitable though, that people try and get us trying to attack each other.

L&K: So you don't really care about this comparison then?

Nick: Not really no cause I don't think you can compare us, it's like apples and oranges. We've been around for ages, dude, we've been through so much and seen so many groups come and go who were meant to be the next us. I stopped paying attention to it after a while.

Kevin: Yeah, especially over in the UK, groups come and go all the time, and we've stayed around, so if 'N SYNC can do that then all power to them, but we'll see.

Nick: Yeah that's our goal to stick around forever, to just stay put and not go away!

L&K: So how do you feel about the 'N SYNC guys themselves?

Kevin:We don't have anything against them personally, but it's annoying to me how they came to be. You know, our management company created 'N SYNC in our image once we were successful. It's like we left home to tour, came back after a year or two and this other group had sprung up to replace us!

Nick: We worked really hard at getting where we did, and we just want some respect for that.

L&K: Do you feel they've been more put together than you?

Nick: Well I think if there wasn't a Backstreet Boys there wouldn't have been an 'N SYNC!

Kevin: Yeah we used to go to The Outback Steakhouse and Chris Kirkpatrick used to work there. He used to wait on us and say how much he liked the BSB's music and how he wanted to be like us.

Nick:I respect the fact that they have dreams and I respect the fact they have talent and they just wanna make things happen - just like we did. But it's the way it all occured really.

Kevin: Yeah our management created them, took them to all the same producers, took them on all the same tours and they met all the same people.In the end, it was like, all the doors we kicked open they just walked through.

Nick: Yeah no one has any idea how hard we had to work over in Europe to make it. It's totally like ploughed a path that our management used to bring them through.

Kevin: And it was all down to greed.

L&K: Can't you just let bygones be bygones though?

Nick: Yeah we do, we forget about it and let it go cause you can't change the past, but then everyone keeps bringing it up!

Kevin: Yeah but as soon as we leave our management company they come and join our label!

Nick: Yeah, ha ha! Every time we turn around there they are again!

Kevin: So I mean it's just frustrating. I don't know the 'N SYNC guys very well, but they are talented. They can sing and perform,so as long as they do that and continue to make good music, then I have to say good on 'em.
