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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick's Hairlights

Nick occasionally gets fed up with his long and cuts it short. MG asked him which he prefered, short or long, and if the mop top crop was going to make a re-appearance?

"I like wearing it very short with a fringe - the sixties Beatles style. When I first had it done I was hoping to suprise the other boys I secretly went to get my hair cut at my favourite hairdresser in Tampa, Florida. I did it two hours after we arrived back in the States from Tokyo where we had done some shows. My hair had grown very long and kept falling in my eyes. It was unbearable - I had to do it. It was quite a change but I liked it."

What did your family said?

My father and my mother were very suprised when they first saw me. It took them a while to get used to it - but now they really like it. My mother really thinks I look like a pop star now - not that she didn't before ha ha! She just thinks that I look more stylish. What's funny is that we all had the idea to change at the same time but didn't speak to each other about it. I couldn't believe it when Kevin walked in the room with the same bowl cut as me - I thought he was making a fool of me!
