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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick Carter Flunks As A Role Model

The five young hunks from the pop group Backstreet Boys urge teen fans to stay in school. But group member Nick Carter doesn't practice what he preaches - he dropped out of school after the 10th grade!

The 19-year-old blonde-haired idol "doesn't have the time anymore to worry about school," a source declared.

" Nick Carter had a home tutor since his performing career began in the seventh grade. But now he's always on tour and the pressure is so great, he gave up school. Nick Carter ahould be in college now but he never got beyond high school sophomore studies." Ironically, the Backstreet Boys - Nick Carter , A.J. McLean , Howie
Dorough , Kevin Richardson and Brian Littrell - have worked as ambassadors for a national organization called Students Against Destructive Decisions.

"We tell kids to stay in school and shoot for your dreams," Kevin Richardson, 26, the oldest member of the group, said in an interview.
