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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Tidbits On The New Album

This info was sent in by Jessica

Hey people! Look what I found at the MatureFanClub message board:

Posted by : PSUBSBFAN

"Ok, you guys know Andrew Fromm, he has written songs for BSB. Well he was in the Official Backstreet Boys Band Chatroom, his screename is bsbsongwriter by the way, Tommy has all the official names listed on the site. He is not allowed to say too much, but here is what he told us. He said be prepared for A BIG MTV promotion. He said if they are going to do, what Howie said they were going to do, it's gonna be huge. Also, there is a 'big duet' coming up. He said he can't say with whom, but it's off the hook! He said he's heard it. He must have heard the music, because he said it hasn't been recorded yet. He also said he has been told "It's True" is definitely not the next single, it's a leftover from "Millennium". He also said that he hoped that one of the songs that he has written with Howie makes it on the album. That's about it. I'll let you guys know more if I hear anything."

Cool huh!?!?! I can't wait!!!
