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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick Named As Pop's Powerful People

Recently, Nick, along with another 9 popstars, had been named as one of Lime Magazine's 10 Pop's Most Powerful People. Here's an article featured about him:-

Why Him?
He has the ability to turn a stadium of pubescent girls into a quivering, crying, screaming mass with a flick of those blond bangs. Need we say more?

Nickolas Gene Carter. Six foot two, blond hair, blue eyes, not a bad voice. Fancies himself as a rather "regular" guy. And he the sports his fave baggy loose slacks, hair and hands all over the place, nattering on about Nintendom, why, he could be your next door neighbour!

Except that when your average teen wants to lose some change, he usually marches to the mall for a Slurpee. Nick, on the other hand, cheerfully counts among his recent purchases "a big house by a lake" and "a huge power boat". And while rowdy 19-year-old males generally pray they won't pass out on their dates, this globally-hounded heart-throb has to cope with hysterical girls fainting in his wake.

So, sorry Nick, but you're definitely no ordinary Joe. Not on yer record-smashin', chart-troucin', award-grabbin' life! And if you lost track of what it means to be a Backstreet Boy, here's a head-spinnin' summary: 40 million copies of Backstreet Boys and Backstreet's Back sold worldwide! Over 16 million fans (and counting) have succumbed to Millennium madness! Released end May, it's the fastest-selling album in American history! The Backstreet Boys sold out every single ticket to their recent 39-city US tour in one day! Landed on the cover of credible music mag Rolling Stones! Scored four nominations at this month's MTV Europe Music Awards including Best Pop Group! Yada, yada, yada... and oh, the mayor of Orlando officially declared October 8 Backstreet Boys Day!

In the midst of all this BSB hoopla, Nick takes centrestage for being the youngest, cutest, blondest (ie the most popular!) Backstreet charmer! His autobiographies (official and non) fly off shelves, he's attracted more hits to his web shrines than celebs to a Gucci sale, and he's been splashed on enough covers of teen magazines to line his entire house!

All this, of course, could drive any other "regular" guy off his bonehead rocker. But for Nick (named one of the Hottest Stars Under 21 by an influential US mag) it's all a matter of dealing with, well, destiny. Reveals he universally-worshipped teen idol: "I'm a firm believer that everyone has a path they're meant to follow - mine was to be a Backstreet Boys." And thank heaven for that!

Other 9 Pop Stars:-

  • Britney Spears
  • Ronan Keating (Boyzone)
  • Melanie C (Spice Girls)
  • Victoria Adams (Spice Girls)
  • Ricky Martin
  • Kevin Richardson (BSB)
  • Mark McGrath (Sugar Ray)
  • Will Smith
  • Robbie Williams
