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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Highlights of Nick DJ'ing on WFLZ, Mar 30, 2000

This info was send in by Joanne

I listened as best as I could to the web broadcast of Nick as a DJ on WFLZ last night. The sound was extremely choppy and very difficult to hear everything. At one point the station zoned out and I missed a lot. Here is a very general recap of what I heard. Set me just say that Nick did an out of sight job as a DJ!! That Boy can do anything and do it with excellence and class!

The following is what I heard:

He is too funny! He called Tower Records in Tampa and identified himself as Nick Carter. (guy on phone obviously didn't recognize him) He wanted to know if they have the Backstreet Boys Millennium album. Too cute! Then he wanted to know if they'll give him the Millennium CD for free because he doesn't want to pay for it. He asks the guy on the phone "can you buy one for me"? Guy thinks he's joking and says we'll leave a copy up front for you to pick up but you can't have it for free. The guy on phone never recognized Nick as a Backstreet Boy! Nick keeps saying "do you know who I am?" Guy doesn't have a clue!

Later he calls Britney Spears (for real I think). A guy answers. Nick says "Is this Justin?" Nick identifies himself as "kid Nicky" and asks to talk to Britney. They (guy and Britney) are obviously annoyed and do not recognize him as Nick Carter. They want to know where he got their phone #. He says, "I can't tell you that" . He never id's himself as Nick Carter and they don't recognize him. Guy will not put Britney on the line, but Nick says just put Britney on the phone. They never put Britney on phone. I think they hang up on him! (Imagine that, no I can't)

He played some of the coolest music!!! He was having a BLAST!!! So much fun. Very in control of the whole thing. Very comfortable being on radio and talking to fans. He sounds very happy!

They sent some guys to Victoria's Secret to try dresses!! They call Nick from the store and they are goofing on the radio. Sound was too choppy here. I couldn't hear it. Eeegh.

He played one song by Willa who is there with him. He plays song by a group he's managing called Born Into Chaos. Kind of rock type.

Nick was also live in the chatroom. Here are some of the things he said in chat:

Nick was very impressed with the number of people listening and on line in chat and outside the station.

At the end he thanked everyone for being there and said "Goodnight Everyone" My answer to that is "Goodnight Sweet Prince".
