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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Meeting A Backstreet Boy

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On the night Nick was DJ'ing at the local radio station, I had to work till 9pm so after that I begged my friends to go with me because I figured maybe I'll get a chance to finally meet him. Well everyone told me I would never meet him so I decided to go by myself. I got to the station at about 9:30pm and there were only like 50 people there. Well I ended up chatting with this girl who used to dance with Nick at the local dance studio Karl and DiMarco. She was telling me about how he used to sing Michael Bolton and other crazy tunes like that. But she also said he really struggled along the way and deserves to be where he's at now.

Well anyway, at about 11:00pm when the show was over, everyone went around to the back of the studio where his limo was. The driver said he would be out in like 5 minutes. Well I guess he was running on BSB time, since it was about 20 minutes later that he came out and signed autographs for everyone. He was so sweet! The only bad thing was that we had to meet him through a chain link fence for safety reasons. But I can understand that. Oh and Mandy was there too but she got right in the limo.

This was honestly the best night of my life! I can die a happy person now!
