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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Clearing Up Rumors

This appeared on the Carter Family Connection website.

Dear Fans,

First of all I would like to let it be known for a fact this is really the official Nick Carter site, operated on my behalf by my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Steve Spaulding.

A few months back, when I broke up with my girlfriend, someone who worked for my family put falsely exaggerated information on the site. That person has been dealt with and no longer works for the family. Now we can have cleaned an accurate site with updated and factual information only.

When my girlfriend and I broke up there were rumors posted on the site that were untrue. This of course was not my family’s doing, in fact, they knew nothing about it going on the site. As soon as my Aunt Debbie caught it she removed it from the site. You see my family cares about my girlfriend as much as I do. So having said that, she's not abusive, actually far from it. The fact is when people disagree they say things that aren’t true and that they really don't mean… I mean hey, that's relationships. Anyways, I care for her deeply and it would mean the world to me if all my fans would show her a little love and support please. We would also like the opportunity to work things out privately, not in public I hope my fans can respect that.

In regard to my family problems, the truth is all families have differences from time to time, but the most important thing is that they talk and work it out together to find a solution that everyone can be happy with, and that's what we did.

The real problems come from others, like disgruntled former employees of the family (who of course only see $$ when they think of the Carter family ) sticking their noses into private family matters. That is wrong because the bottom line is we are a family who has great love for one another, and always will. That will never change. With respect to my Mom, who I love dearly, who has worked so hard and sacrificed all her life to help me at my brothers and sisters succeed, she does not hate my girlfriend Mandy.

Everyone knows that the National Enquirer is exaggerator of the truth and they told a story that was based on lies told from an enemy of the family. I might note that my mother has the entire conversation documented and it was also witnessed by my half sister. I know that they printed false and exaggerated information for a fact. The truth is, in the brief conversation my mother had with them, she stated that she was "wishing the best for Nick and Mandy" but did they put it in their article? No, of course not, they don’t want the good things, they want to create scandals.

Suffice it to say that I hope we can put all this gossip behind us, and get back to what's really important, our love in respect for one another. And that goes for the rest of the world to.

Also I want to make it clear once and for all that I love my brother and four sisters dearly, and support them in their talents in every way I can. They have a lot of gifts to share with the rest of the world, and I know that my Mom and Dad look out for them the best they can. I’ve been keeping up with both Aaron and Leslie’s albums and they’re gonnna be great!


Nick G. Carter
