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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Nick And Mandy Spotted In Restaurant!

This info was send in by Tampabayhottie

Hi, everybody!

I have some news that may or may not make some fans goes:

This past Sunday night, my best friend and I were at a small, mom-and pop type restaurant in the St. Petersburg. After our waitress took our order, I went to the rest-room to wash my hands, and who did I see sitting at a corner table? It was Nick, Mandah, and two other guys! I was in total SHOCK!! I quickly made my way into the rest-room because I was so overcome with emotion!! I have never met Nick , let alone be in the same restaurant as him!! I was debating on what to do--- do I go up to him and say "hi"? Do I just leave him alone? Should I say "hi" to Mandah, too (I am a fan of hers, even if you people think I'm crazy...besides, I have met her before and she was nice to me)?!! I just sucked it up and went back to my table and told my friend about him being there... and she said "I KNEW that was him!!!"

Actually, our table wasn't that far from his!! We were both afraid to even turn around and look at him because we didn't want to make him uncomfortable! My friend walked over to the bathroom to get a better look-- so she could definately be assured it was him! We both refused to believe it!! Then, all of a sudden, we heard him start laughing kinda loud, and THAT'S when we KNEW it was definately him.... no doubt about it!! I know his voice and laugh ANYWHERE (kinda whiny, but cute)!!

We could hardly eat our food because we were so nervous!! He must not have been there long before us because his food came just a little bit before ours!! We tried to hear what he was saying!! If I am not mistaken, I could have swore he said something about "having to go back to New York soon". I also heard them talking about Eminem being arrested (see, even Nick keeps up with all that!)!

Anyway, we decided not to go up to him because he was eating. But right as we decided that, a women aged 35 or so walked up to his table and said something to him!! You could tell she was nervous!!! She even shook his hand and was acting very shy (gosh, imagine how nervous she was)!! Well, then she handed Nick a piece of paper...I couldn't tell what it was..and a pen! He signed it with no hesitation! I then heard the woman say "Thank you soo much"!! She said it like 3 times!! Nick was smiling, and so was Mandah! When the woman left , I was waiting for Nick or Mandah to roll their eyes or something rude, but it didn't happen! They went right back to eating!

Me and my friend never went over to him because we didn't know if he would be that nice two times in a row!! He was trying to eat , after all!! I just always hear stories about how celebrities hate being bothered while they are eating! So we just kept "secretely" spying on him and making a mental memory!! He finally got up to leave, and me and my friend watched him walk out all the way to his vehicle (actually, it was one of the other guys' SUV looking truck...he got in the backseat with Mandah).

Anyway, after he left I just started crying!! I wanted to go up to him, but just couldn't do it!! My friend was like "it's ok, it's ok". She said that we should just be happy we saw him! And I am!! I still can't believe it!! I hope we run into him again, but what are the chances?

By the way, he was wearing a fisherman-looking hat, a dark green tee-shirt, and baggy khaki cargo looking shorts! Fine as ever!!

Sorry I didn't post this sooner! I haven't had access to a computer until now!! Besides, I have been on the phone telling everyone my story!! My friends don't even believe me!!
