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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Back Street (sic) Boy Plays the Monkey

The Back Street (sic) Boys, those darlings of the teen set, those squeaky clean crooners that sell out arenas wherever they go, playing at Marathon's Brass Monkey Lounge?

Sort of.

One of the singers in the heart-throb band, Nick Carter, brought the Tampa band he manages, Born Into Chaos, to the pub Thursday night. They took the stage, then Carter got into the music himself. He played drums and sang with the house band of Richard Storm, Freddy Bye and Aurora Wells.

"Within two hours, word must have gotten out," Storm said. "The place was just swamped. We played drums with them, he played drums with us, then he sang, then we traded off vocals."

Songs included "Turn the Page" by Bob Seger, "I Feel Good" by James Brown and "Breakdown" by Tom Petty.

The jam went until closing time.

Carter is in town buying his father a house, Storm said.
