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Heaven In Nick's Eyes

Little Madison Loves Nick

This info was send in by Pamela Littrell

I know this little girl and her name is Madison. She is the cutest little girl I know.... besides my family's little girls. Anyways, she is also a HUMONGOUS BSB fan! She loves Nick and she listens to them all the time. A while back I wrote a note with her to Nick it read as following:

Dear Nick, I miss you!

I'm 4 years old. My name is Madison Gabrial Molanari. I love your music and hope I can meet you! You are REALLY cute and my favorite Backstreet Boy! I love you!



Then on the back it says:

I miss you Nick! Nick, I love you!



I just thought that was the most adorable thing in the whole entire world! She loves them a lot! Since she talks about Nick more then I talk about Brian and that is all the time.... so I'm sure you can imagine! She also believes she will marry him. I told her she could go for Aaron since he's closer in age, but she stands by her Nicky, and she doesn't know who Aaron is! Thanx!
