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The Neverending Story

by Denise


It was July 4,1998, and I was bored to death. I had absolutely nothing to do. My family didn't have anything planned for today. Its like this every July 4th. I usually have to bug the crap out of them to go and see the fire works. I would really like them to get out more often. They are always at home. I am so different from my two brothers, all they like to do is stay home. My little brother finds some kinda fun out of cleaning his room. I don't see how that can be entertaining, and my older brother is hardly ever at home because he works, and he usually goes out with his friend and stays out late. Some times I don't even get to see him all day. I usually spend most of my time outside, and play basketball by myself. I always offer to have a little one-on-one with my little brother (14), but he always refuses and comes up with some kinda excuse saying that he had other things to do.

" Mom, Dad. I 'm gonna go play a little basketball, I'll be back later, ok?" I said making my way to the front door carrying the basketball with my left hand and my car keys with my right hand.

" Ok, be careful, and don't come back to late." my dad said. He had always hated when I would go out by myself. He made my curfew at 7:00 because thats what time it gets dark. Both him and my mom hated when I would drive at night. Its like they don't trust me.

"I won't, don't worry. I'll only be late if a cute guy is there" I said with a smirk on my face. I walked out the door and to my car.

On the way, I was listening to radio. There was absoultly no good songs playing. I was hoping that I would hear one of the Backstreet Boys songs, to cheer me up and get me in the mood to play basketball. There I was driving to the basketball court, with no good songs coming on. Then all of a sudden, the D.J. said, " We have a caller on the line right now. Pamela are you there??" " Yeah, I'm here." said Pam. I recognized that voice, it was my friend from school. " I understand you want to make a special request?" said the D.J. "Yep sure do. I would like to request "Larger Than Life" from the Backstreet Boys. This request goes out to a special friend of mine named Denise. Thank you for always being there for me." said Pam. " This is court, with no good songs coming on. Then all of a sudden, the D.J. said, " We have a caller on the line right now. Pamela are you there??" " Yeah, I'm here." said Pam. I recognized that voice, it was my friend from school. " I understand you want to make a special request?" said the D.J. "Yep sure do. I would like to request "Larger than Life" from the Backstreet boys. This request goes out to a special friend of mine named Denise. Thank you for always being there for me." said Pam.

Finally, I arrived at the basketball court. For some reason it felt like it took longer to get there. Maybe it was just me, I don't know. I got out of my car, and grabed my basketball from the passenger side of my car, then my bottle of water. I shut the door, and set the alarm. Its been a long time since played basketball. Mostly because of the weather. Its been too hot to play. I guess God decided that today he would make the weather perfect for playing basketball. I set my bottle of water on the bench beside the court. I placed the basketball between my legs, so that I could put my hair up in a clip. I combed my hair with my fingers, before putting it up in a clip. After doing that, I headed out to the court to shoot some hoops. Its been about a month since the last time I played basketball. As I shoot the first hoop, I said to myself, ' I'm still good at this.' Thrithy min. after I had gotton there, I noticed that someone was driving into the parking lot.

At this point I was clueless. No one ever comes here, I thought I was the only that knew about this place. I was taught that its not polite to stare at people you don't know, so I just contiuned my bussiness and kept playing basketball. After a while I heard that person's car door slam. I took a quick glance over to where the comotion was comming from. It seemed to be a guy maybe around my age or a little older, he was carrying his own basketball.

He walked over to the court and placed both his towel, and bottled water on the bench next to mine, cause that was the only bench in the court area. It was hard for me to keep my mind on playing basketball, when there was someone that I had no clue who they were. No one ever comes to the basketball court. I don't even think anyone knows about it, well.... at least I thought no one knew about it. So much for my secret place to play basketball now. I should give this guy a break I don't even know him. Its not right to judge people you don't know.

Anyway........ I was on my side of the court, and he was on his side of the court. Everything was so quite. The only nosie I heard was the sound on my basketball bouncing. I just had that strange feeling that he was watching me. A feeling all girls get when they think a guy is looking at them. At that time, I wish I hadn't of walked out of my house wearing these short shorts. But theres nothing I can do now, I just can't take them off right here and put something else on, then he'll really be staring at me. The only thing I could do, was just to keep playing. As I was shooting for a 3-pointer, the ball bounced off the rime of the goal and headed in the opposite direction of my goal. I turned around to go and find my ball. But when I turned around, I found that the guy was holding my basketball in his hand.

" I believe this belongs to you." He said, walking over and handing my ball.

" Sorry about that, thank you." I said taking to ball from his hand.

" No problem. I was watching you, and I couldn't help but notice what a great player you are at playing basketball."

" Thanks. I was on the basketball team in the 10th and 11th grade."

" Cool. I was wondering if maybe you would like to play a little one-on-one?"

" Sure, why not."

" Ok, great." He said throwing his ball to the side of the court, while walking over to my side of the court to play a little one-on-one.

I bounced the ball over to him so that he could start the game first. As we were playing, I noticed that he couldn't stop looking at me, so that made it an unfair game. Which also meant that I was winning. The Score was 20-15 when we finished playing the game. It was a pretty good game. We both walked over to where our bottled of water was, so that we could take a little breather. We sat down on the bench and rested a while, as we drank our water. There was silence between the both of us for a couple of min. until he broke the silence by saying, " So.........what is your name?"

" Oh, I'm sorry. I should have introduced my self a long time ago. My name is Denise. And you are??"

" My name is Nick...." he said before I cut him off.

" Carter?"

" Yeah."

" I thought so. I just didn't want to say anything."

He looked at me for a long while and said, " You're not like all the girls I meet everyday."

" Why do you say that? You don't even know me."

" The reason I say that, is because every girl that meet always over react about who I am."

" Don't worry about that, I seem to have that part under control."

We sat there in silence drinking our bottled of water that we bought with us. As I was drinking my water, I decided to ask him a question.

" May I ask you something?"

" Yeah sure."

" Why are you here?"

" Well, I'm on vacation for about 2 months. I'm spending 1 month with my aunt and uncle down here, and the next month I'm going back to Florida to spend the rest of my vacation over there."

" That's cool. I never would have ever thought that you would have family here, in such a small town, in Texas."

" Now you know. Maybe the next time I come down here we could get together and go out or something."

" Sure, that sounds great. So........ Any plans for tonight, considering that today is July 4th?"

" No, both my aunt and uncle are going partying tonight. They invited me to go along with them, but I told them no, cause I'm not the partying type of person. They were very understanding about it though. What about you, do you have any plans for tonight?"

" No, I'm just going to be home alone. My parent's our going out of town for a day only, I told them that they ought to go just for a while, since they never have any time only with each other. And my brother's are both going to there friends house for the night. And I'm home alone. All of my friends are out of town right now. So I have no where to go."

We sat there and talked, for an hour, which felt like an eternity of a lifetime. It felt great to talk to someone like that. I glanced down at my watch which read, 7:15.

" Nick, I have to go, I was suppose to be home 15 min. ago. But....... if your not doing anything later, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch a movie, maybe order a pizza. Just have fun or something." I said, hoping I didn't say the wrong thing.

" Sure, since we're both not doing anything tonight anyways."

We both exchanged phone numbers and adresses. He gave me his and I gave him mine.

" So I'll see you at 8:30?"

" Yeah, 8:30 it is." he said, getting up from the bench and walking toward his green Dourango. He looked back and smiled at me, I smiled back at him. I stood there a while just looking at him, and thinking to myself, " did I just invite him to my house?" After standing there for a while, I decided to snap out of my daze I was having about him and start walking back to my car.

~At Home~

I pulled into the driveway of my house, hoping my dad wouldn't get to mad at me because I was late. Anyways I told him I was going to be late if there was a cute guy there, and there was. I figured I would tell him that, just hoping that everything would just be cool.

" Hey mom, hey dad." I said walking into the house and placing my keys on the self.

" Young lady, why are you so late?" my dad said with a sharp tone of voice.

" Dad, I'm not even that late. I am only 15 min. late. You should be glad I'm not 2 hours late, right?" I said, as I began to raise my voice.

" Well you do have a point about that. But if your going to be late give us a call and tell us so that way we don't worry about you." my dad said, as he began to clam down.

" Dad, why can't I be like all the other girls my age and have curfew at 11:00? Its just not fair. I know you worry about me cause I am your little girl, but dad you have to understand something, I am not a little girl any more, I'm 17 yrs old, and I would like to be treated like a 17 yrs old, not like an 14 yrs old. It's just that you don't like me to drive when it gets dark, thats what the problem is. I'm a good driver dad. All I am asking you is that consider letting me have a longer curfew. Please trust me on this dad." I said hoping that he would consider what I just said, and that he wouldn't say I'll think about it, cause when he usually says that, that usually means no. He looked at me and said, " I'll think about it over the weekend, ok?''

" Ok, dad.'' I said with a sigh, knowing that he would probably say no. I don't even know why I bother telling him stuff like this. It is just a waste of my time. There was no way I was going to tell him that I was having a guy over here tonight. He would just blow up and loss it.

They grabed there suit cases and head out the door and out into the world for a the weekend. I was kinda happy for them that they are finally getting out of the house and spending the whole weekend with each other. They haven't done that in years. It was kinda my idea on telling them to go. The thing that suprised me the most was that they agreed with me. I am happy for them.

I watched as I saw them drive out the driveway and down the street. I closed the door and headed to my brothers room. " Hey, if anyone by the name of Nick calls over here, tell him I'll call him right back, ok?" I yelled, standing outside of his door cause he refused to open it. " Yeah, Yeah. I'll tell him.'' he said. " You better tell him!" I yelled, wishing I could get in there and beat the crap out of him.

At this poit, I was now heading for the shower, I needed one after that game of basketball I played eariler. I entered the bathroom and closed the door, then locked it. I turned on the water, letting it run, while I take my clothes off. I stepped into the shower, letting to warm water hit my body in all places. I took the bottle of shampoo, poured it in my hands, and applied it to my wet hair. I did the same with the conditioner too. After doing all that needed to be done in the shower I got out and rolled my hair up in a towel, and wraped a towel around my body. I walked out of the bathroom, and heard the sound of laughter comming out of my brother's room. I walked over there in my towel and said, " Your suppose to be gone already, why aren't you?" I said as I raised my voice at him. He was so into this new game that he had rented from hastings the other day. Thats why he didn't want to leave yet.

He paused the game and said, " Ok, Ok. Just chill, I'm leaving already. I don't know why your rushing me out of the house like this, its not like you having a guy over anyways."

I looked at him and smiled. Me and him could trust each other with anything.

" Denise!! Do mom and dad know your having a guy over??" He said in shock.

" No, but you have to promise me that you won't tell them anything. Please?!" I said hoping that he would agree.

" Don't worry, I won't. So who is this guy thats coming over, do I know him?" He said, tying his shoes.

Should I tell him who he is? Yeah. Anyways he won't believe me anyways. " Just some guy I met at the basketball court today." I said with a smirk on my face.

" Denise, just some guy?! That you meet today?!! And your inviting him over when you just meet him today??!! What the hell is wrong with you??!!" he said with very much anger.

That is one reason why I very rarely tell my brother or my father when I have a boyfriend.

" I did it because he was going to be only tonight." I said.

" Oh thats a very good reason! What were you thinking when you asked him this? (a long pause) So who is this guy??" he said, trying to control his anger.

" Why should I tell you what his name is, you won't believe me anyways," I said as tears came rolling down my check.

He had never yelled at me that bad, like he just did. He came up to me and hugged me.

''I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, its just that your my little sis. and I don't want anything thing to happen to you." he said still hugging me.

" I know. But John you have to understand now that I am not a little girl anymore, I am 17 now, and your just going to have to except that fact that I am growing up and that you can no longer watch over me as much as you did we were little." I said still hugging him.

" I know, I know. I just can't except that you're 17 yet. (a long pause) So who is he?" he said, trying not to cry.

" Are you sure you want to know, I don't think you'll believe me?" I said pulling away from him.

" Yes, I want to know who he is." he said.

It was killing him that he didn't know his name. I took a long deep breath and then spoke.

" I know you know him, well not really know him, you just know who he is, and so does the whole world."

He got this look of "What are you talking about".

" His name is............ Nick Carter." I said, waiting for his reaction.

" You have got to be kidding me??" he said with his eyes wide open.

" No, he staying in Bryan for about a month I think, to spend some time with his aunt and uncle. And you know that place I go to where I play basketball? Well, he said that his aunt and uncle used to take him there all the time when he was little and would come and visit them. Isn't that neat??" I said.

" Oh my God, I can not believe this. If you would have told me this before, I wouldn't have gotten mad at you." he started laughing.

So did I. " Well, you better go before he gets here. I still need to get ready and you know how long it takes for me to get ready."

" Ok, but you better tell me all the details when I get back."

"Ok, now please leave."

He walked our of his bedroom and out the door to wait for his friend to pick him up. I made my way to my room and went to my closet to pick out an outfit to wear. I really wasn't in the mood to dress up today. Then again I never am. I very rarely wear dresses. I went through me closet and found a tight black shirt. I then decided to wear some short blue jean shorts with the shirt. I took the towel down from my head and began blow drying it. After that, I applied a little bit of make-up on my face. I sprayed a light coat of Tommy Hilfigure perfume on. I was dressed to kill. The next thing that had to be done was to pick out a decsent pair of foot wear. I decided on some, brown sandles. Now I was finished.

I looked at my clock, which read 8:15 already. Where does the time go? Anyways...I made my way down to the living room to wait for Nick's arrivle. I click the button on the remote, to turn on the T.V., I sat there a while watching it, until I had this strange feeling to look outside. I walked over to the window, and peacked my head through the curtaim, and found that my brother was still waiting for his friend to pick him up. Oh great Nick is going to be here any min now. What am I going to do? I started to panic. Clam down Denise, just clam down. I told myself. I clamed myself down, and made my way to the door. I turned the knob and opened the door. " Why hasn't he came yet?" I said.

" I don't know, he said he would be here at 8:30" he said glancing at the time on his pager.

" Can you do me a favor and go wait some where else. Go wait over there" I said pointing to the benches over at McDonald's. " I'de be a fool if I would disagree with you, I don't want to get beat up by you." He said, making his way to the benches at McDonald's.

" Thank you so much, I promise I'll find some way to repay you for all that your doing for me" I yelled, as he was walking.

I walked back in the house, and sat on couch and continued to watch T.V. I glanced over at the clock that hung on the wall, right over the T.V. It was 8:35. I hope he's comming, I thought to myself. Me and my dog sat there, just waiting for Nick's arrival.

It was now 8:45, and my dog had fallen asleep on my lap. I was begining to get sleepy myself. Just then the doorbell rang. I moved my dog from my lap, and got up. She was still sound alseep. I walked over the door, and stopped. I looked in the mirror right by the door. My hair, make-up and everything else seemed perfect. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I looked at him, and he looked at me. He was so handsome. We just stood there and stared at each other.

He finally broke the silence and said, " I am so sorry I was late, but I had to pick this up for you." he said, bringing his hand from behind his back. It was a red rose.

" Oh, Nick you didn't have to." I said, as I reached out and took the rose, and smiled. I wanted to kiss him so bad already. He hasn't even been here for 5 min. and I wanted to kiss him already.

" You look nice," he said, with a smile.

" Thank you, so do you." I said starting to blush.

" Thanks,'' he said, still standing outside. " Come in, you can have a seat on the couch, right by my dog."

He walked in and had a seat on the couch. I walked over to where my parents keep the family movies at, which were below the T.V.'s entertainment center, which also ment that I had to sit on the floor.

" What kinda movies do you like to watch?" I said still looking through the movies.

" All kinds. What do you have?"

" Come and look, theres to many to name." I sat on the floor, and looked through all the different movies I had. Then all of a sudden we bumped heads into each other.

" Ow," we both said.

" I am sorry," he said rubbing his head.

" Yeah me too." I said rubbing my head at the same time.

We sat there and stared at each other for a while.

Then I snaped out of my gaze, and said, " So, what do you want to watch?''

He snaped out of his gaze and said, " How about this, I've never seen this before?" He said.

" The Haunting? Sure, I've never seen the whole thing yet."

He handed me the movie, as me made his way back to the couch to take a seat.

I took the movie out of the box and placed it in the VCR, and then made my way back to the couch. Since there were so many previews, I asked him, '' would you like something to drink?"

" yeah a Coke would be great."

I got up and went back into the kitchen to get to popcorn and the drinks. I opened the microwave, and took the popcorn out. I poured it in a bowl and placed it on the tray that had the 2 cokes.

I walked back into the living room carrying the tray. Nick got up and said, " let me help you with that."

He took the tray and placed it on the table that was set in front of the couch.

" Thanks."

I walked back over to the couch and sat down, crossed my legs as I took a sip of my coke. He looked at every move I made, which made me feel uncomfortable. I just keep my eyes on the T.V. I reached into the bowl of popcorn, at the same time Nick did.

" Oh I'm sorry''. I said.

This kinda reminded me of that movie The Lady and the Tramp. We both started laughing.

After the movie finished, I asked Nick, " How was the movie, did you like it?"

" Yeah I liked it."

I got up and picked up the tray which was now an empty bowl of popcorn, and my half full can of coke, and his empty can of coke. He got up at the same time and said, '' Here let me take that for you."

When he reached for the tray I was holding he accidently knocked over my Coke can and it spilled all over my shirt.

" Oh My God, I am so sorry Denise! Let me go get towel, I'll be right back!"

He ran, with the tray in his hands.

" Where's the towels at?" he yelled.

" There's one on the counter, Hurry its cold!" I yelled right back at him.

He came running back to the living with the towel.

" I am so sorry." He said for the second time.

He walked over to where I was standing, driping with coke. He took the towel and gently tried cleaning me off. He looked at me and said, " maybe you should do this." he said with a small smile.

" Yeah I guess your right."

I took the towel from his hands and began cleaning my shirt from the mess he made on me. He was watching my every move. After I finished cleaning my shirt, he took the towel and said, " You missed a little spot."

He took the towel and whipped off the coke that was on my chest.

" Oh. Thanks." I wish so much that I could kiss him.

" I better go changed. I'll be right back."

I walked into my room and approched my closet. What should I wear this time. I came across this one shirt that was green and that would expose my breast if I were to bend down. I decided to wear that since my favorite color is green. I put it on, and made my way back to the living room, to see Nick staring into space. I stood there and wondered what he was thinking. I walked a little closer, and saw that my dog had fallen asleep on his lap. He was patting her head. For some reason my dog liked Nick. All the guys that I have brought home, she had always hated them. But she liked Nick, just as much as I liked him. I walked back over to the couch and sat down.

" Sorry I took so long." I said.

" No problem, you dog kept me so company, but she feel asleep. Nice shirt, greens my favorite color." he said.

" Really? That my fav. color too."

It was now 12:30am. What could we do now?

" I'm hungry. What about you?" I said.

" Yeah."

" How does pizza sound?''

" Sounds great to me."

" I'll be right back."

I went into my bedroom and used the phone in there. I order one large cheese pizza. The man said it would take up to 30-40 min. to get here. I went back in the living room and said, '' It will be here in about 30-40 min."

"Ok'' he said yawning.

It was late, and we were both tried and hungary. We just sat there in silence. There he was sitting there looking at me from head to toe. And there I was sitting there just waiting for him to make the first move.

An hour later, the pizza man was here. He offered to pay the pizza man. I told him he didn't have to, but he said he wanted to, so I let him. I placed the pizza on the table, and went to the kitchen to get some plates, and some more drinks for us.

" Ok, here is your plate, and your Coke." I said handing them to him.

He opened the pizza box and said, " How did you know that I liked cheese pizza?"

" I didn't know. I swear. I ordered that because thats what I like."

" Me and you sure do have a lot in common. I like that.''

" Yeah, me too."

After eating all that we could eat, we just sat there feeling very relaxed. He got up to take to pizza box to the kitchen, and at the same time I got up. I triped and the pizza box went flying throught the air. He triped, causing me to trip also. He landed on top of me.

" Oh I am so sorry."

"No, it was my fault, I'm the one that should me sorry." I said looking deep into his eyes.

There he was still on top of me. He then made the move that I was waiting for the whole night. Which was for him to kiss me. He leaned in and kissed me ever so gently on the lips. When he pulled away, I said, "I've been waiting all night for you to do that."

He smiled and then leaned back in a kissed me again, but this time I deepened the kiss. He is such a good kisser, I thought to myself. I could feel his warm tongue inside my mouth just wondering around. He then pulled away and started kissing my neck. We were still on the floor, Nick still on top of me. My hands were on his back. We were both breathing heavy. I then caught my breath and said,

" Nick, are you sure this is the right time?"

I didn't want him to stop.

" What ever makes you comfortable." He said, stopping what he was doing.

" Nick all I want right now is you," I said, pulling his head toward mine and kissing him.

We laid there on the floor and kissed for a couple of min. I then stoped Nick and said, " Lets go to my room, I don't want no one to walk in on us."

" Ok, lets go. But first, let me carry you to your room."

He got up and picked me up into his arms. As he was carrying my to my room, he was kissing me still. He was bumping into the wall and into doors. But both started laughing. I couldn't remember the last time I was so happy. When we reached my room, I turned the knob and opened the door.

I woke up to someone kissing my on my lips. I looked and saw Nick there smiling.

" Gooding morning baby" He said.

" Nick, its more like good afternoon. Look what time it is."

He looked at the clock which read 12:30. He laughed. We decided to get up and get dressed. " wouldn't happen to have an shirt I could wear, since my shirt is all dirt from the pizza last night?"

" Yeah, I'll be right back."

I walked out and went to my brothers room and grabed a white t-shirt.

" Here you go, I'm pretty sure he won't mind."

I handed him the t-shirt,and he grabed my hand and pulled me near to him, and kissed me on the lips.

" Wow, what was that for?" I said.

" For loving me for me." he said, gliding his hand against my cheek.

" Oh Nick your so sweet."

I gave him a big hug. I could tell that he needed that. He didn't want to let go. When he finally let go, he took the shirt and put it on.

" Well I suppose I better, my aunt is probably worried sick about me." he said, fixing his hair in the mirror.

" Oh, and I'm sorry for what I put on your neck." he said, regarding the hicky he gave me last night.

" Oh don't worry about it, I'll get you back."

He started laughing. He cupped my face with his hands and gave me a kiss on my forehead, then my lips. "I'll call you later."

"Promise?" I said.

" Yes, I promise."

After that, he made his way out the door. I watched as he drove off.