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The Neverending Story

by Denise


" BJ are you ready yet?" Nick yelled.

" Yeah almost, just give me 2 min." she said, in responding.

" Ok."

As we sitting there waiting for BJ to get together he things, me and Nick just sat there in silence. I often caught he glancing over at me for some reason. Every time I would look at him he would turn away, with a smile on his face.

" Why do you keep doing that?" I said, bring my hand to face.

" Oh, no reason."

" Nick, there has to me a reason."

" Well.......yes there is a reason. Everytime I look at you, I thank God for sending you to me. I feel like the luckiest man alive to have such a great, and beautiful girlfriend like you. You make me smile everytime I look at you, for some reason."

" Oh Nick thats so sweet of you. I had no idea I made you feel that way. It really means a lot to me, just knowing the fact that I make someone feel that way."

" When I first saw you, and the first time you talked to me, I knew we would be together some how."

" Wow, thats amazing Nick. How did you know that?"

" To tell you the truth, I really don't have a clue. It was just a feeling I was having. I guess the way you treated me, made me feel that way." He said, reaching over to me and placing his hand upon my cheek.

I smiled at him, and slowly leaned in kissing him gently, but very pasionately on the lips.

" If you only you knew how much I love you."

" I think I know how much you love me."

" You do?"

" Yes, would you like me to show you?"

" Go right on ahead." he said.

I then reached over and gave him yet another kiss on the lips. As we were kissing, BJ walked in and said,

" Oh! I'm sorry!"

" It's ok." I said, noticing that Nick's face was bright red.

" Well.......I'm ready to go now."

" Ok, great. Lets go Nick." I said, getting off the couch and extending my hand to Nick to help him up.

On the way out the door, I glanced at Nick and said,

" I think you look very sexy when you blush." I said, giving him a sexy smile.

After saying that he stopped, and began to blush even more.

~ At the beach~

" Hey Brian!" I said.

" Hey Denise, how are you doing today?"

" I'm doing just fine thank you, what about yourself?"

" I'm doing great.."

" Thats good. Where's Nick?"

" Oh, he's unloading all the stuff he brought with him."

" Ok, I better go see if he needs any help. He most likely will." he said laughing.

" Hey BJ, could I have some of that lotion?" I said, setting my towel on the sand.

" Yeah, sure." she said, handing the bottle of lotion to me.

" Thanks." I said.

As I was appling the lotion to my body, I noticed that Nick was standing over by Brian just staring at me. Just to make him feel special I flashed him one of my sexy smiles at him.

" Denise?" said BJ.

" Yeah, BJ?"

" I would like to say thank you so much."

" For what?"

" For making Nick the most happiest person in the world. I've never seen him this happy before in all my life, I'm really happy for him that he finally found someone to make him happy."

" Thats so sweet. I try my best to make him as happy as possible."

" Well you've done it, and I'm thankful for what you've done."

" It's no problem." I said, smiling at her and giving her a hug.

" Oh, now you going to make me cry." she said, laughing.

" Hey girls, wanna go swimming now?"

" Sure, just give us a min. talking."

" Ok, when ever you get finished, I would you like to some of my friends."

" Ok, be right there."

When me and BJ were done talking, I reached over and grabed a tissue out of my bag, and gave it to her to wipe away her tears.

" Thanks." she said, taking the tissue from my hand.

" No problem."

After wiping away all the tears that she cried, she looked at me and laughed.

" Are you going to take your shorts and shirt off?"

" Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that." I said, standing up and removing my shirt and shorts, as I was doing that, I looked over at Nick where he was standing with 4 guys, including Brian.

" Thats a great bikini." BJ said.

" Your brother thought the same exact thing. But if only you would have seen the look on his face when I came out to the bathroom wearing this. He almost droped the phone."

We both started laughing at the situation, and glanced at Nick which made us laugh even more.

" You see the look on Nick's face now?"

" Yeah?"

" Thats the way his face looking earlier." I said, making my way to Nick along with BJ.

" Oh really?!" she said, laughing.

" What are you two laughing at?" Nick said, with a puzzled look on his face.

" Oh nothing, just girl stuff." I said, looking over at BJ laughing.

" Oh.......Denise, I would like you to meet AJ, Howie, Kevin, and you already know Brian."

" Hello nice to meet you all." I said, waving at all of them.

" It's great to finally know what you look like, Nick never stops talking about you." said Howie.

" Oh really?" I said, laughing.

" Yep. Everytime we talk its always about Denise this and Denise that. He's just so much in love with you." said Kevin.

I couldn't say anything but laugh at what they were both saying.

" Why is it that I can't ever get good looking girls like Denise? Look at her, she's perfect." said AJ.

" AJ, man thats my girlfriend, you better watch it." Nick said, warning AJ.

" Nick I was just joking." He said, laughing out loud at Nick.

" Oh." he said.

" Anyone wanna go swimming?" I said, changing the conversation.

" Sure lets go!" Brian said, running down beach to the clear blue water.

" Hey Brian wait for me." BJ said.

" Yeah, wait for us." I said, running down the beach with BJ.

As I was running down the beach, I stopped at turned around to find Nick and the rest of the guys running right behind me. I stood there wait for Nick to catch up with me, and when he did, he lifted me up with both of his arms, and began running to the shoreline.

" Nick don't you dare throw me in there!"

" Throw her in Nick!" said Brian.

" Nick please don't!" I said, pleading.

" Okay, Okay! " he said, putting my down gently into the water.

" Thank you so much, Nick." I said, giving him a kiss on the lips.

" OH come on Nick! You should have thrown her in!" Brian said.

" Yeah Nick!" said AJ, disappointed.

" If she doesn't want me to throw her in, I won't."

" Oh well." Brian said, diving under water.

We all stayed in the clear blue ocean water for hours, just having fun. The kind of fun I could have with Nick, and only Nick. No one makes me laugh as much as he does. It was about 15 till 7:00pm, and me and Nick decided that it would be best if we all left, since was already dark.

After taking BJ home, it was about 7:45 when we got back to his house. I was so tired, as well as Nick, I could tell it in his eyes. While Nick was in the shower I decided to order so pizza, since we all know is favorite, with extra cheese. You would think that it would only take Nick about 10-15 min. in the shower since he's a guy, right? Well....he ended up taking a 45 min. shower. By the time he got out of the shower, the pizza was already cold. When he came out of the bathroom, he looked over to find me on the bed with the box of pizza next to me.

" Have a nice shower?" I said. " Oh yeah, I really needed that." he said, walking over the closet wearing only a towel.

He grabed a shirt from the closet, and some shorts that were laying on the dresser and said,

" I'll be right back."

" Ok."

While he was in the bathroom puting his clothes on, I decided to go and put something cute, and relaxing on. I picked out a this cute little spaghetti strap top, and some short shorts to go along with it.

When I was finished dressing I turned around and noticed that Nick was watching me dress.

" OH Nick you scared me!" I said.

" I'm sorry baby." he said, walking over to me and kissing me on the cheeck.

" I did the pleasure of ordering some pizza for us."

" With extra chesse?"

" Yes, of course."

" Oh thank you so much. I've been craving for pizza all week." he said, giving me another kiss on the cheek. After giving me that quick kiss on my cheek, he ran over and jumped on the bed to where the pizza was sitting and began eating it. As we sat there eating our chesse pizza he looked at me and said,

" You know what?" he said, in a cheerful tone of voice.

" What?" I said, in the same tone.

" I've been really lucky these last couple of days."

" Why is that?"

" Because I've got my best looking girl in the world living with me for a month in my house. Most parents wouldn't allow there daughter to live with their boyfriend for a whole month, plus out of state. I'm not going to lie, I was really shocked when I heard that your parents agreed to let you come with me."

" To tell you the truth, I was shocked as well. I thought for sure that my dad was going to say no without even considering it. But I guess I was wrong."

" You have the greatest parents." he said.

" I know I do."

" The thing that really makes me laugh about your parents is that every time I go over to see you, there always sitting on couch playing video games, or either the gameboy. I try so hard not to laugh when I see them playing."

I couldn't help but laugh, at the situation he was explaining. I thought the exact thing about my parents. You often don't see your parents playing video games almost all day long.

" I always make fun of them when I see them playing. Most parents hate video games, but not mine, they love them." I said, laughing.

After eating all we could eat, we thought it would be best to go to sleep, since we had to go pick up his brother Aaron from the airport in the morning, and because we were so tired from a long day of fun.

~At the airport~

" His plane should be here any min. now." Nick said, impatiently.

" Great, I can't wait to meet the little fella."

" Hey can I ask you something?" He said, looking over at me.

" Yeah sure."

" What were you and BJ talking about yesturday? When I went over there, it looked as if she was crying."

" She really didn't want me to tell you, but I guess I will, only if you promise me that you won't tell her that I told you."

" I promise."

" Well.....she was telling me how much it meant to her to see you so happy. She thanked me for making you the happiest man alive. So she was crying, but it was tears of joy from seeing her brother so happy."

" Really?"

" Yes, I guess you happinest means a lot to her."

" Wow, I never knew that she felt that way."

" I think it's very sweet that she cares so much about her brothers happiness."

" It sure is. I should take her out just the 2 of us and spend the day together, I think she would love that. Plus we haven't done that in years."

" I know she would love it. Just act like you don't know about it, then she won't trust me anymore."

" You have nothing to worry about. Now come here and give me a kiss, I don't believe you gave me one today."

" I'll be more than happy to give you a give." I said, walking over to him and giving him a deep pasionate kiss on his luscious lips.

" Ummm......that was great." he said, pulling away.

" Sure was."

" Hey, look, I think thats Aaron's plane landing!"

" I wonder why his flight is late?"

" Who knows why its late?"

When the plane landed, we waited impatiently for Aaron to get off. We waited and waited, and still no sign of Aaron.

" Where is he?" Nick said, worried.

" Maybe this wasn't his flight."

" Yeah maybe your right."

A few min. later, as I was gazing outside the lobby window of the airport, when I noticed a blonde haired little boy getting off the plane, along with 2 men beside him. I didn't know for sure whether or not if it was him, because I haven't seen his face yet. When he turned his head in our direction, I could tell that, that was him.

" Hey Nick, I think that your cute little brother over there?" He stood up and gazed out the window of the loby, down to where the airplane was. I knew that was him, when I saw that great big smile appear on Nick's face.

" Yep your right, that sure is my cute little brother down there. Come on, lets go meet him down there." he said, grabing my hand and rushing to see his little brother that he hasn't seen in months.

When we reached the waiting room then stopped, because we couldn't go any further. About 5 min. later the door of the huge waiting room opened, but it wasn't Aaron, it was a girl that looked to be in here early 20's. She glanced over at me then at Nick who was waiting to see his little brother. When Nick then realized that she was looking at him, Nick reached over to me and gave me the most pasionate kiss you could think of. When we broke apart, she just stood there and stared even more. I looked at her and said,

" Do you have a problem?" I said, in a rude manner.

All she could do was give a dirty look. Which doesn't have no effect on me at all. That just tell me that their jealous of what we have, and what I got.

" Remember when I did that?" Nick said, holding my hand.

" Yes, how could I forget. It was our second date, well I really wouldn't call that a date." I said, laughing.

" Yes, but do you know why he was looking at you?"

" Why?"

" Because when he reached up and hugged me, the shirt you were wearing lifted up and he saw everything."

" Oh my God! Are you serious?"

" Yes."

" I never knew that. How come you never told me?"

" I thought you knew." he said, laughing at me.

" Oh Nick your so silly." I said, leaning over and kissing him.

" I just love it when you kiss me like that." he said, into my ear.

" Oh do you?"

" Yes, very much." he said.

" How would you like another one?"

" Bring it on baby." he said.

I laughed and gave him a deep, pasionate kiss on his lips for long while, untill I noticed someone beside us standing there waiting us. I opened my eyes, and looked at the person who was standing beside us, it was Aaron.

" Nick?" I said into his ear, as he was kissing my neck.

" What sweety?" he said, not stopping.

" Someone's here to see you." I said as I pulled away from him. He looked at me and then looked at the person that was standing there beside us.

" Aaron!" Nick said, pulling him in for a hug.

" Hey Nick, I've missed you so much."

" Me too little buddy. How have you been doing these past few months?"

" I've been doing fine. I'm just glad to finally be home."

" Me too." he said, pulling away.

" I take it this is your girlfriend?" Aaron said confused.

" You've guessed right. Aaron I would like you to meet Denise."

" Hello, Denise, how are you doing?"

" I'm doing just fine thank you."

" How about we get out of here."

" I couldn't agree with you more Nick." Aaron said.

When we got back home, from a long day of playing video games with Nick's sister's and brother, it was about 9:00pm. Nick was still so excited that he finally got to see his brother after all these months. I would too, if I was in his shoes. Who wouldn't be excited about something like that?

" Wow! Wasn't it today fun?" he said, picking me up and swinging me around.

" Yes, I had a blast. I never knew playing video games could be so much fun."

" I did. But what makes it better is that I have you with me." he said, running his hands throw my hair.

" I love you so much Nick." I said, giving him a hug.

" So do I." he said, returning the hug.

As we were hugging, I began giving him small kisses upon his neck. He pulled away and gave me a long deep kiss on my lips. After he kissed me he pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed and avoided looking at me.

" Whats the matter?" I said.

" Nothing. I just don't want to get carried away kissing you again like I've been doing for the last couple of days." he said, lowering his head and looking at the floor.

I walking up to him, then kneeled in front of him and gently pushed him back on the bed. He looked at me in shock.

" Are you sure, you want to do this? What if we end up having-" he said, as I cutting him off.

" Yes. I think you deserve this, we've both been waiting for the perfect time to do this, and I think now is the time." I said, leaning down and kissing him on his lips.

As we started kissing, one thing lead to another, then another, and I think you can figure out what happened next.