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The Neverending Story

by Denise


~ one year later~

It's been exactly one year to this very day, that me and Nick have been together, and let me tell you, this past last year was the best year of my life. Nick really showed me what the word love really means. Although, I haven't been able to see him when ever I want because of his non stop touring. But once in a while, him and the rest of the guys invite to go on tour for about a week or two. I haven't seen Nick for about a month now. But he calls me every chance he gets. You know how a guy usually forgets there anniversary? Not Nick.

To tell you the truth I kind of forgot about this. This morning when I got up, my whole room was full of every kind of flower you could think of. It was so romantic, and so sweet of him to do such a great thing like that. As I was reading every note that came with each set of flowers, I was thinking, ' What could I do for him?' Then I realized, I could go to New York, (because thats where their at right now) and suprise him. I ran over to my nightstand and grabbed my small address book that has all my phone numbers to my friends and family.

Who should I call, to let them know that I'm coming? Brian! He would tell me exactly what to do, and how to do it. I pick up the phone, and began dialing his cell phone number.

" Hello?" he said, laughing.

" Brian, it's me Denise?"

" Hey girl, how are you?"

" I'm doing just fine, what about you?"

" I'm doing great. So, what's up?"

" I was wondering if you could do me a favor?"

" Sure."

" Well....I was thinking about flying up to New York, and suprise Nick."

" That sounds cool, but what does this have to do with me?"

" I just need for you not to tell him that I'm coming."

" Thats all?"

" I guess so."

" I thought you were going to ask for something bigger."

" Nope, just that."

" Ok, I can handle that. So what time are you leaving?"

" I'll be leaving at one........Nick is going to wonder why I'm not home."

" Don't worry, I'll have everything under control."

" Are you sure?"

" Yes postive. I'm so glad your comming." " Awww did you miss that much?" I said, laughing.

" Yeah that too, and because I get tired of seeing Nick so depressed."

" He's really that depressed?" I said, shocked.

" Oh you don't want to know."

" I had no idea. Everytime we talk, he sounds fine, like nothing is bother him, but I guess deep down inside there is a part of him that crying out."

" Yeah I guess so. Why don't you give him a call, since he's not doing anything."

" Ok, I'll call him before I leave for the airport."

" Ok, talk to you later, bye."

" Bye."

After hanging up the phone, and just sat on my bed a cried. I had no idea Nick was going through so much hell. What will happen once I leave from seeing Nick? The same thing will happen over and over again. How could I stop this from happening to him? I love him so much to see him go through this. If there was only some way I could be with him every step of the way. Why does he have to be the one to suffer so much? How come it can't be me?

I got up from my bed and began packing clothes enough clothes for about 2 weeks. As I was packing my clothes, my mom walked in a looked at me, wondering what I was doing.

" Where are you going?"

" I'm going to New York, to visit Nick for a couple of days."

" Ok, just tell your father before you leave."

" I will."

" Nick sure does care about you. Look what all he sent you, aren't they beautiful?"

" Yes. I've always wanted to one wake up with my room filled with flower."

" looks like he made your wish come true."

" He's made a lot of my wishes come true."

" I better let you get finish packing."

" Ok."

~ on the plane ~

Once I was on the plane, I remembered that I had to call Nick, so I grabed my phone from my purse and dialed his cell phone number.

" Hello?"

" Happy Anniversay baby."

" Hey Sweet cakes! I've been waiting for you to call."

" Sorry about that. I kinda just woke up."

" Let see it's about 1:45 here, so that would make it 12:45 over there right?"

" Right."

" That sure is late, But I can't say anything, I just woke up too."

" Oh really?!"

" Yes really. So how have you been doing?"

" I'm doing alright, what about you?"

" Alright, I could be better. I really miss you."

" I miss you too baby, it won't be that long till your tour is over then we'll be able to spend time with each other anytime we want for the next two and half months."

" I know, but I miss being able to see your beautiful face, and touching you. I don't know how long I can take much more of this." " Hang in there baby, if I can do it, so can you. I have faith in you. You'll be alright."

" I hope so, I guess I can hold out for another month. A month? That sure is a long time till I see you."

" I know, but look at the bright side, you'll get to see me anytime you want."

" Thats the good thing about it, I just wish we could have been together today, since it's our anniversary."

" I know, me too. So......what are you doing later?"

" Nothing, we actually have a free day today."

" Thats cool, you should go play basketball, or something, have fun."

" I think I will."

" Thats good, anyways.......I have to go baby."

" So soon?"

" Yes."

" Why?"

" I have to get dressed, take a shower. You know stuff girls normally have to do."

" I'm sure you don't look that bad."

" Maybe. I'll talk to you in 3 hours ok, baby?"

" Ok, I love you."

" And I love you too."

" Bye"

" Bye."

After talking to Nick, I then realized how bad it really was. I just hope my visit helps him in any way it can. It breaks my heart to hear Nick like this.

" Are you alright miss?" said the girl sitting next to me, noticing that I was crying.

" Yeah I'm alright."

" Then why are you crying?"

" My boyfriend, he's kind of going through some tough times right now."

" Is he going to be alright?"

" He'll be fine."

~ ring-ring~

" Excuse me for a min." I said, telling the girl

" Hello?"

" Hey Denise, I just called to let you know that, the clerk at the front desk has a key to give you to Nick's room."

" Ok, that sounds great."

" So what time do you think you'll be here?"

" Probably around three."

" Ok, I'll see you then."

" Bye."

" Bye."

~ 3 hours later~

As soon as I got to the hotel, I couldn't wait to see Nick. I went up to the clerk at the front desk he said,

" Welcome to the Hilton, how may I help you?"

" Hello, I was told that you had a key for Nick Carter's room, waiting down here for me?"

" Your name please?"

" Denise."

" Ok, here you go. The room number is 316. Just take the elevator to the third floor, and the room should be on the left. Would you like me to call one of the staff memeber to help you carry you luggage up to the room?"

" Sure."

After she called one of the staff memebers to help with my luggage, all that was left now was for me to make Nick as happy as posible. " Would you like me to help you carry your luggage in?"

" No, I think I can handle the rest, Thank you."

He set my suitcases beside the door, and told me if I needed anything to let him know. I removed the key from my pocket and placed it into the door, then I opened the door as quitely, and as gently as I could. When the door was finally open, I spotted Nick asleep. Seeing him just laying there, was hard for me to see. I just wanted to burst out in tears. But I couldn't, I had to be strong, not just for me, but for Nick as well.

I stood behind the door, and continued to look at Nick's body laying there. A tear slowly glided down my cheek. I quickly wiped the tears aways from my eyes, and quitely walked over to where Nick was laying. How can such a beautiful person like him be so sad? I slowly ran my hand through his blonde hair, then softly kissed him on his lips.

" Honey?" I said, waiting for him to wake up.

His eyes slowly began to open, when I smiled and said,

" I'm here, baby."

" Denise is that you?"

" Yes, Nick, it's me. I'm here for you baby."

" Sweet cakes, I'm so happy to see you." he said, pulling me in for a hug.

" So am I, I've missed you so much."

" Me too."

" What are you doing asleep? I thought you were going to go play basketball?"

" I was feeling a little tired so I decided not to."

" Thats fair enough."I said, looking into his eyes.

" I've been waiting a month to do this." I said.

" Do what?"

" This." I said, leaning down and kissing him.

When we pulled apart from each other, he looked straight into my eyes and said,

" I've been waiting a month just to be able to feel your body, now I have. Thank you for making my wish come true today."

" I'm here for you anytime you need me Nick, and you know that." " Well......I need you right now." he said, pulling me in for a kiss. As we were kissing, he began removing my clothes from my body, and applying small kisses to my neck. Just then the phone rang. Nick refused to answer the phone, so I answered it.

" Hello?...........Hey AJ...........I'm doing it ok if he calls you back, we're kinda busy at the moment?.........Ok, talk to you later, bye."

After hanging the phone up, we both contuine what we left off. For the next 3 hours I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened next.

" Oh baby, that was great." I said, pulling the covers over me.

" Now that was one thing I missed while you were gone." he said, gliding his hand across my stomach.

" So have I. But I missed you more."

" Me too. So what now?" he said, still rubbing my stomach.

" I don't know. How about we go out and get a bite to eat?"

" That sounds good, but what?"

" How about pizza?"

" That sounds great."

We got out of bed and took a shower together, which ended up lasting for about an hour and half. Yes, we did it, again. When we got out of the shower, we both wraped each other up in a towel and made our way back to bed room to get dressed.

After getting dressed, we were now on the elevator ready to go to the pizza place. As we were in the elevator, Nick pulled me close to him and gave me a deep pasionate kiss.

" I'm in heaven when do that to me Nick. What was that for?"

" You've made me the happiest I've been in a long time, and I'm thankful for that."

" I love you so much Nick."

" And I love you too, sweet cakes." he said, giving me a kiss on my lips.